What sort of yields can I expect?


Well-Known Member
^ I completely agree with this. I also started the same way, with CFL's and yea what he says is golden truth. Invest what little bit of money you have now in a savings account....each month add whatever bit you can, and pretty soon you'll be able to get yourself a 250watt HPS system. I've been slowly upgrading my grow to what I have it at today, and couldn't be happier (unless I was managing multiple tents). Most people can't just go out and buy everything they need for a badass grow; it takes time and a few harvests before you are able to invest in the stuff to really make your garden shine


Active Member

Wow, that is a lot of great information and I sincerely appreciate the bluntness (pun intended) of your post.

First thing's first:
1) I'm using Black Gold Organic Soil....There is about a 2" layer of washed sand on top because I had a slight problem with gnats.
2) When should I start adding nutes? These plants were started on December 2nd.
3)The container is large, however, I have quickly realized that it is too small for the 3 plants. Is it too late to transplant the plants? Do you think their roots are already intertwined?
4) See 1
5) Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was told that the wattage doesn't matter and that only the Kelvin and Lumens matter.

This is indeed my first grow, I have the funds to purchase more expensive grow equipment all around, however, I do not want to spend too much right off the bat when I'm new to growing. I figured that I'd set aside $200 for the setup I have now just so I can get the hang of it and see first hand the process from beginning to end. I wanted to do this BEFORE I start a larger grow that is more advanced and much more expensive.

Again, I really appreciate the strong criticism. Please, give me more! lol


Active Member
I didn't want to jump in and spend $1000 on something I haven't experienced first hand and as I'm sure all of you know, watching youtube videos, reading forums, and reading books DOES NOT do justice on growing. You have to actually do it in order to get better at it. And at the same time, the internet contradicts itself on every page you look at, so reading up on growing is not going to be as good as actually growing.

I'm not planning on spending too much more on this setup, I just wanna take it all the way through before I start something larger.


Well-Known Member
You're right in not wanting to spend that the first time. I sure didn't. You gotta learn somewhere so CFL is a good start. I'd say the roots are probably tangled up by now since that was a month ago or so when u started them. I guess i was so baked last night when i found this thread that i didn't even notice there were 3 plants in one pot....lol


Well-Known Member

Wow, that is a lot of great information and I sincerely appreciate the bluntness (pun intended) of your post.

First thing's first:
1) I'm using Black Gold Organic Soil....There is about a 2" layer of washed sand on top because I had a slight problem with gnats.
2) When should I start adding nutes? These plants were started on December 2nd.
3)The container is large, however, I have quickly realized that it is too small for the 3 plants. Is it too late to transplant the plants? Do you think their roots are already intertwined?
4) See 1 (HAHAHAHA)
5) Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was told that the wattage doesn't matter and that only the Kelvin and Lumens matter.

This is indeed my first grow, I have the funds to purchase more expensive grow equipment all around, however, I do not want to spend too much right off the bat when I'm new to growing. I figured that I'd set aside $200 for the setup I have now just so I can get the hang of it and see first hand the process from beginning to end. I wanted to do this BEFORE I start a larger grow that is more advanced and much more expensive.

Again, I really appreciate the strong criticism. Please, give me more! lol
Ok well sorry i didnt realize you had a gnat problem so the sandy soil makes sense now, i should have figured as much but being around as long as i have you see some pretty lame ass shit.

if you dont want to invest a shit ton of money dont, but your not going to see what a real grow is like with them CFL and they may turn you away from it. buy a 600w light kit and you wont be dissapointed, heres a link of one i recomend thats pretty cheap and if you decide growing isnt for you then you can just sell it in the classifieds for 10 bucks less than you paid and its no harm no foul


you said the soil was a 5-0-0 f i remember correctly so you can start off with 1/4 strength nutes (grow big) i guess, but i dont think they need them. they will start to go light green aand yellow when they are nitrogen deficient.

if you buy that light you wont regret it.

you can still transplant them, your going to have to dump the entire container out on a tarp and verry gently seperate them from each other, its ok if you break a couple roots but this is going to stress the shit out of them and its better off avoided in the first place. heres what i would do...

dump the container out on a tarp, have 3 new pots ready to go. seperate them and get them into thier own pots. no nutes untill they re establish themselvs. you wil see a immidiate difference if you have a 600w MH on them. i suggest the 600w because the 400w is the same price and the 600w is dimmable down to 400w.

I didn't want to jump in and spend $1000 on something I haven't experienced first hand and as I'm sure all of you know, watching youtube videos, reading forums, and reading books DOES NOT do justice on growing. You have to actually do it in order to get better at it. And at the same time, the internet contradicts itself on every page you look at, so reading up on growing is not going to be as good as actually growing.

I'm not planning on spending too much more on this setup, I just wanna take it all the way through before I start something larger.
as far as the bogus info on the net, buy a book on canabis cultivation.


Well-Known Member
learning with cfls is like teaching a guy to shoot with a water gun. you get the concept but it really doesnt help you progress. imo. at least with a mh/hps you can screw up something worthwhile. and itll make you focus harder on enviromental factors. be more well rounded for the second run. or youll spend the good part of a year getting the basiics and 4 months of that yeaar youll be devoting to a half of popcorn nugs.

and idk hoq you plan to transplant all 3. youshould seperate asap before they tangle themselves up.


Well-Known Member
and just a fyi im no guru grower. and growing isnt as hard a 3/4 of the people on these boards make it out to be...theres a few things plants need, provide them and they will grow, leave one out and they will die..simple as that.

3:food (nutrients)
4: Co2
5: temprature

Lights, minimum will get you by. You will end up with a weak crappy plant if you dont have enough.

water, overwatering is a common problem, use the lift pot method to determine if its time to water. Simply lift the pot and if its light....water them. If its heavy dont. that simple!!

food, most people over fert more than under fert. its alot easier to fix a deficiency than it is to fix a toxicity. dont feed them untill they tell you too. Signs of deficiency usually are yellowing of the leaves in a uniform manner (not spots of yellow on green)

Co2, as long as you keep fresh air coming in and old air coming out and air movement inside the room Co2 should be sufficient to let them grow. in some cases (i actually just went through this) there is not enough Co2 and the plants growth will come to a halt, simply add Co2. Theres lots of generators, meters, tanks and expensive grow equipment out there for this. theres also the good ole yeast, sugar and water in a milk just with some aquarium tubing run from jug to the back of a fan thats blowing on them (thats what i did and its working great) they also sell products like this http://www.amazon.com/ExHale-Homegrown-your-indoor-plants/dp/B00546SAZC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1357591473&sr=8-2&keywords=plant+Co2 there are other products thats just the first one i found.

Temp, you want to maintain a temp of 65-85. now this is a broad range but plants will grow in this range, they will grow outside this range as well but your best not to go under or over. ideally you want your temps to be 70-80, 75-76 being the optimal temprature.

hope this helps.


Active Member
Would it be ok to clone the hell out of these guys and just start a larger grow with HPS/MH bulbs?

I'm going to order a grow tent, bulbs, and some other little bits of equipment tonight. CO2 is not an issue as my father owns a rather large medical gas company, so he can easily supply me with mass amounts of CO2 if needed (I plan on putting a regulator in the tent and basically keeping the tent full of CO2 (again, I basically have an unlimited supply of CO2). Is too much going to be a problem? And do I need to vent (besides the lights) when I'm using CO2? Will the CO2 will simply vacate the area if vented?

And lastly, how many plants would you say the 600W Apollo you posted be good for? I have an area of about 10 feet X 3 feet to play with (a grow tent will be necessary in that area because I don't want a CO2 tank pouring out CO2 into my entire house)


Well-Known Member
you only need 4 to 6 plants in a 5x5x5. i have A 600 check out my journal. i have a 5x5x5 and plan to add my 1000w aircooled next run. set the regulator to 1.5 pounds. i haave it on 30 min before and after lights to make sure its enriched when they wake and enriched when they start to slumber. do not have it on aat night as its uneeded. id clone or order new seeds. shop for a strain exactly to your liking and enviroment.


Active Member
If you go the hid route invest in good ventilation. Its absolutely necessary. Youll regret it if you dont
Dude, don't even worry about c02 right now. I'd worry about making sure the humidity, lights, and airflow are correct before you even think about adding c02. To save money there are many low cost all in one hps lights that you can get (check htgsupply). You'll find that mastering the basics (grow medium, watering, light, pruning) is FAR more important than trying to do every trick in the book to get "max yields".