What songs hold an emotional significance for you? Why?

I've lost two cousins in the past few years, so that's where this holds some significance for me. Both were to vehicle related accidents. The first was my 16 year old cousin, just got her first job, first car, and finished toward the top of her sophomore class. A few weeks later was the accident. Today actually would've been her 19th birthday.
The second was my 30 year old cousin. We were more like brothers than cousins. Always working out, partying, going to MMA events.
The above song makes me think of them, it's a cruel world out there.
My neighbor, she committed suicide a few years ago. She was only 18, to say the least, an incredible individual. She was part of our family, I think about her all the time...
At the celebration of life the family presented a "slide show" with music behind it.
This song was 1 of the songs that was played

Love you neighbor, miss you!
On a much lighter note
I went and saw these guys on New Year's eve in Santa Cruz. Show was awesome. After the show we hit the bars, bars closed, time to head back to the hotel... we (mamashark and I) decided let's walk. We are getting close to the venue (the catalyst) and who comes walking out? The lead singer and a few band members.
Holy shit! What's up, New Year's hug... "great show!", see ya, Sweet that was cool.
Mamashark says "let's go, let's follow". We do and end up on their tour bus! Dabbing, smoking blunts, joints, and drinking with the band and others... hung out until they kicked everyone out! It was fucking cool!

I like this song cause it's what we do

Oh Sister, by Dylan.... the pleading of humanity with someone whos lost theirs, the desperation of the plea cries out from the song
This is from Todd Rundgren's A Capella. This album holds a place in my heart for a few reasons. one is that the VERY first song I can remember is "Hodja", which my dad played for me when I was 3 because we had a Husky named Hodja that was my best friend. Another reason is the song above, called "honest work."

This song really reminds me of my Dad, Grandpa, and even great grandpa, who I was lucky enough to meet when I was a kid. My Great Grandpa was a Farmer, which I feel like is the epitome of honest work. My Grandpa, who I was close with up until he passed from Larynx Cancer, was working on power lines when we all lived in IL. I was too young to remember that, but what I do remember is all the days spent with my grandpa doing work around the garden, building his shed, then garage, then house, and all the odd jobs he would do just to help neighbors, because he felt it was the right thing to do. My dad is alot like my Grandpa in some ways, But he's an electrical engineer for a gate operator company. He's one of those people that works from the time he wakes up, until dinner. When he wasn't traveling, troubleshooting circuit boards over the phone, or doing other "work work" he would be doing "home work", like fixing the car, building this or that, damn near everything. These three men instilled a lot of work ethic in me, and I'm beyond thankful for the lessons they've taught me, I wouldn't be the person I am if it weren't for all of that.

Here's that song I mentioned named "Hodja", It's so damn catchy!