what size yeild to expect

new to this so here gos

iv three rooms an clone aera mother room is 2dx3wx5h 6 18 watt cflz cool white
exhaulsted only an passive intake

veg is 4dx5wx7 1/2h 200mm
fans in and out unsure of cfm 1 at the top corner 1 at the level of th tray 3x3 tray top feed drip system big wall mount fan lighting is a 250 mh round shade

bloom room is the same size as veg room two 600hps batt wing reflectors two wall mount fans
250 mm in and out fans unsure of cfm
1 high 1 low as above 1and a fan that blows on bulbs towards exhaulst
flood and drain system 3x3 tray

my plan is to take cutting {clonex}
into sml rockwool 2/3 weeks for it to root then transfer to large rockwool veg for 5 weeks the switch to flower room
net mest pots an clay balls

ph 6 . i use dutch master grow/flower
and some super thrive . change res every 7 days i can veg untill there 16-18' tall thats if they double in size or ill run outa room all walls are mylar covered all ballists are out side the rooms

so q is what yeild should i expect provided things go well
given what i have to work with

any help or tips will be appreciated
thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
Yield is determined to a large extent by the strain you are growing. have you got any particular strain in mind? I always have a tough time making up my mind when I try new strains. There are just too many great ones out there.


Well-Known Member
It will be directly proportionate to your skill and luck. Do you feel lucky punk...well do ya? No but really not to be a dick that will require a crystal ball, what if you end up with a pest, disease, mold, equipment failure, ect., ect. Shoot for a gram a watt and if you can get anywhere near that you will have done well.
atm i dont know what the stain is got from a old mate. they are allmost ready for a clone sex test next week fingers crossed .
i am waiting on ak48?is that any good iv been told indica is more suited for me? what is a good yeilding strain for a second timer
. i am in the garden every day for inspection so im right on top of the pesty mite i have some laidy bugs in the fridge ready for that the rooms are spot less an light sealed yellow sticky strips every where.
they seem to be looking very healthy at this stage {5 weeks) hoping for females

i dont understand this mirror ball thing tho? cheers


Well-Known Member
a gram per watt ? is that right? so i should get 2 pounds from a 1000w super hps?
Yeah that is the "Holy Grail". Besides I told them if he could get anywhere near that, they will have done well. Aren't yield and what kinda light should I use the 2 most asked ?'s here. Unfortunately theres no good answer maybe outside wait and see. What have you been getting off super 100W HPS?
I imagine they're quite a few people that have cracked the grail.


Well-Known Member
I personally have given up ALL attempts at guessing harvest/yield amounts. It's never what you think it'll be. I can say this: more often than not, it's less than you were hoping. hehehe... ;-)


i have seen 2.5-3 per 1000 but that is with co 2 and a large strain. most people get 1 per 1000. if your getting more congrats if less keep tweekin ur stuff. but never count on any certain yield.

Am I Norml

Active Member
you take the plants you have x metered lights + amount of bullshit you have put into raising them ...
and then you toss it all in a big ass bucket with some 300 dollar nutrients...
swish it around really good..
then when you stare blankly off into the future..
you will get somewhere between a gram and a pound per meter of canopy :)

fuck im high ... :bigjoint: