What size smart grow pot for clone mother?


I'm going to grow 4 clone mothers from seed and wonder what size of Smart Pot? 1,2,3 5 gal?

My guess would be 2 gal...
I am growing in a small closet with flouresent lights.

I don't want them getting too big - only large enough to take maybe 5 cuttings every 3 months.


Are smart pots those soft plastic ones? I start clones in a one gal and move up to 5 gal when I need to expand...


New Member
i think he wants to grow 4 female seeds in the smart pots and keep them in veg as long as he can so he can keep on taking cutting to make his own clones... correct me if im wrong maclamb


i think he wants to grow 4 female seeds in the smart pots and keep them in veg as long as he can so he can keep on taking cutting to make his own clones... correct me if im wrong maclamb
Yes, exactly. 4 females grown to veg and keep in veg to take cuttings from for clones.
I don;t want them getting too big - as 4 of them must fit into a 2' x4' closet.
I figured a 2 or 3 gal pot ( I use smart pots) would work and wanted to see what ya'll thought about the grow pot size.
Smart pots are the fabrix ones. Amazing results. I swear by them. Roots do better, don't get all root bound, air prune and the whole thing becomes one big root ball.


Well-Known Member
i just got my 3 gal smart pots and filled one up they are short and wide they hold almost as much soil as my 5 galm plastic pots

i have not grown anything yet in them i have two 3 gal plastics and 1 3 gal smart pot filled and waiting

i have a rev priv headband and a #18 in the cups after germ waiting to show on a heating pad under a ziplock wit a rubberband on it under flouresent tube and a white widow by desjamaana that is 4 weeks three days into veg to fill them with soon

a 2 will be bigger then you think - word is bond

i cant wait to try the smart pots


I love the smart pots.
I think a 3 will be too big also.
and, worst case if a 2 is too small I can trans[plant or take cuttings and grow out to a new mother in a larger pot.