what size pots to use?


Okay so i really have 2 questions im doing an out door grow and i cant plant them in the ground were i live. The ph in the soil is just to high. I was wondering what size pots i should use. My second question is i have sapplings and they are simply to tall and they keep tipping over, should i put more soil around them till it is about 3 inxhes above the soil. Thank for reading and any help would be awsome! Thanks.

Alter Ego

Active Member
Well I am using 15 gallon pots outdoors and my plants will be trees in no time. You have to also keep in mind that, the bigger the pot is, the bigger/taller the plant will be. I don't know if you are trying to be stealthy or not so just thought I'd point that out. You dont want a 10-15 foot monster that the neighbors can see, nomsayin?


Well I am using 15 gallon pots outdoors and my plants will be trees in no time. You have to also keep in mind that, the bigger the pot is, the bigger/taller the plant will be. I don't know if you are trying to be stealthy or not so just thought I'd point that out. You dont want a 10-15 foot monster that the neighbors can see, nomsayin?
Well there is really not much of a reason for stealth were i live its just fields and woods so bigger pots would prolly be best for me. Also since it is in the woods does anyone have any suggestions for how to keep the deers out. My idea for right now is to create a barrier by rapping fishing string around the trees surrounding my plants. Also do yall know if miracle grow soil is okay to Use. Thank you everyone for your help


use promix hp or sunshine 4...fishing line ideaseems like a good one
Can I pick these up at lowes or homedepot? Also when I get one of these is there any need foor additional fertilazation later on or is there enough nutrients in the soil to last the life of the plant

Kite High

Well-Known Member
off course you have to feed them...the promix and sunshine you should find at your local nursery...i recommend dynagro or jack's for nutes


Well-Known Member
If there's no need for stealth just dig a big hole and refill with whatever soil you decide to use. You can make it as large as you want and it will retain moisture better than just a pot sitting in the woods.


If there's no need for stealth just dig a big hole and refill with whatever soil you decide to use. You can make it as large as you want and it will retain moisture better than just a pot sitting in the woods.
Thank you kite high! And jimmy if i dig a big hole for them how far apart should i space them.
id give them a little over over a meter apart is best then they have more then enough room to breath and also you should look into making super soil for your next years run or to make some now and leave your plants in 5g buckets till the super soils done brewing. go check out the old school organics page on here and look for the super soil form. its way better then any nuts you can buy i tell yah that even though it will run out before the years done just have some extra to top dress them when they start to fade.


id give them a little over over a meter apart is best then they have more then enough room to breath and also you should look into making super soil for your next years run or to make some now and leave your plants in 5g buckets till the super soils done brewing. go check out the old school organics page on here and look for the super soil form. its way better then any nuts you can buy i tell yah that even though it will run out before the years done just have some extra to top dress them when they start to i will definatly have to check that out! And thank you for your help

Kite High

Well-Known Member
super soil is crap...bury your pots into the ground...will help to keep them with water longer...IMHHO if you just dig holes and put your potting soil or soilless in there the ground then the ground will alter the pH...jus saying


Active Member
Fishing line isn't gonna work for deer or rodents, which in the Carolina's, we have. Liquid fence or an even cheaper alternative, household ammonia. Pour it in a few circles around your grow area.


I used Havahart Critter Ridder granular last year spread around,not in,my five gallon buckets.kept the squirrels from digging,fire ants out,and deer away.