what size hps can I fit


Active Member
Hi c guys I have a 80cm x 80cm x 180 grow tent

My question is what size hps would I be able to put in there I have a 4inch carbon filter in there at the mo with a 600w mars hydro led

Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
go 250w hps but is really to small, as a 6inch filter is best

T5 might be better

but a COB will rock

good luck


Well-Known Member
I have a 400 hps in a 3ft x 3ft x 5ft 10in with a 4in can fan and it is a bit too warm but it is winter time here and temperatures are cooler so it works for now. I will have too either drop to 250w hps or move up to a 6in can fan.

I used to use a 250w hps in a wardrobe cabinet that was only 18in x 40in x 4ft and I would yield about a quarter pound of bud every month with a perpetual garden. At the time I was using two General Hydroponic Rainforest buckets that held 6 clones each.