what size cfl bulbs should I use?


Well-Known Member
I have just 1 plant in a 2 gallon hempy bucket with 100% perlite. I have been using just small 23w 6500k cfl for lighting. I been using 4 so far. I have a few 42w cfls but they are 2700k. I know 6500k is for veg and 2700k is for flower. But would it be better to use the larger 42w cfls for more light or just stay with the smaller cfls?


Well-Known Member
The more the better. You need more light!

I honestly would recommend upgrading to a HPS or MH if you have the money and can control your temps


Well-Known Member
if i was you, i would have had a look at some 150W cfls.
You could use 2x 135W CFL lights (which i use for seedlings) the whole way through your grow.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Use every CFL you own, more the merrier(and more yeild). I wouldn't worry about the K with CFL's, they're so weak i doubt it really matters. I started with CFL's, ran 42w's, 4 of em, 1 plant. Averaged 3 oz each on my first two grows i did with em.

And as mentioned run them along side the 150w when it comes.


Well-Known Member
My understanding has been optimally, 2:1 ratio for veg. 6500k, 2700k, respectively. Then vice versa for flower. That being said, I would use whatever I had at the moment


Well-Known Member
the 150 watt equivalent (42 watts) are beautiful things.. I use 4 of them plus a 180 watt full spectrum ufo led on 1 plant. its perfect for 1 plant.

dont buy the mogul socket 300 watt cfls they're dumb expensive. you can get the 150 watters usually for about 7 bucks a piece.. I use the sylvania ones and they're awesome!


Well-Known Member
you can use a flowering globe for veg + flower but using a veging globe for flowering isnt going to give you anything near the product you could have.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that those CFL globes you mention actually disperse 42 true watts?
Or is it just equiv to 42W, common mistake by new growers trying to find cheap gear.


Well-Known Member
if i was you, i would have had a look at some 150W cfls.
You could use 2x 135W CFL lights (which i use for seedlings) the whole way through your grow.
Totally I just checked some clones I'm doing under a 125w cfl. Normally I like to waste power and use a 400w, but my fan on the cool tube went today :( so swapped back to the smaller cfl. Guess it will save me some power along the way haha


Well-Known Member
Totally I just checked some clones I'm doing under a 125w cfl. Normally I like to waste power and use a 400w, but my fan on the cool tube went today :( so swapped back to the smaller cfl. Guess it will save me some power along the way haha
hehe i use 2x 135W CFL's for seedlings/clones they are plenty powerful enough to get about 10 seedlings going, i could probibly use less but i hate having to give special attention to the stragglers hehe.