What side do I suck air from...?


20150325_142305.jpg 20150325_142254.jpg 20150325_142239.jpg Hey guys just hooked up my new air cooled hood with help from Riu members and I still have a few questions.... I'm exhausting air from the opposite side of bulb... So it is making the bulb shake a little bit... Never noticed it shaking from the bulb side when it was hooked on the left.... Here's a few pics maybe someone can give me some advice.... Thanks

In the pictures the bulb is screwed in on the left... Does it matter which side I exhaust from


Well-Known Member
How bad is the vibration of the bulb? I don't think there is an appropriate side to hook into. It should work on either side. Is there a reason you switched it from one side to the other side?


How bad is the vibration of the bulb? I don't think there is an appropriate side to hook into. It should work on either side. Is there a reason you switched it from one side to the other side?
How bad is the vibration of the bulb? I don't think there is an appropriate side to hook into. It should work on either side. Is there a reason you switched it from one side to the other side?
Vibration wasn't that bad... Figure it would move a little with 435 CFM sucking on it... I switched sides because the light was backwards originally so I flipped it around to have access to the hinge screws incase I need to open/clean the glass... Guess it doesn't matter which side after all.... Same temperature... I was just paranoid of sucking the bulb out of the socket... Probably hard to do...