What should I tell the hydro store I'm growing?


Well-Known Member
So, if I go to my local hydroponics store to shop for lights and whatnot, what do I say if they ask me what I'm growing? I can just imagine asking a question and being asked "Well, what are you trying to grow" and fumbling around like an idiot.



Well-Known Member
A good Hydro store will ask all the good questions without asking what your growing.

Tomatoes! Thick fucking Tomatoes!!!


Well-Known Member
Don't. They all know what you are really growing. No one goes to a hydro store to grow vegetables indoors, unless you are in the artic or something.


Well-Known Member
when i went to the grow store in my city, he knew exactly what i was trying to grow and all he said was " let's juts call it a tomato plant".


Active Member
Look them straight in the eye and tell them. Marijuana.

Like anyone would think that you would *admit* to that. It's like the reverse double, inverted psychology thing. They think that you wouldn't be serious about your statement because who in their right mind would tell a hydroponics store that they are trying to set up an herb grow room.

Or you could just walk in knowing exactly what you want to buy and take it off the shelf and pay for it in CASH. Hydro stores sell to hundreds, thousands of customers all the time. Some people just want to grow their tomatoes indoors. At any rate, in my experiences, the people working at the store don't give a shit what you are growing with their lights. They already have a sign in the store (most likely...at least what I have seen in all the stores I have been to) that says they can't help you if you intend to use their products for illegal purposes. So don't say the word marijuana while you are in the store.

I was worried about this when I was buying my light...asking for advice (from the hydro store) about pests, watering, nutes, etc. I worked my words in a way that was just asking questions:

"So, what is the difference between HPS and MH?" "What affect does each light have on a plant?" "Why would that make a difference?" And so on...and so forth.

I have found, that a lot of people LIKE to be "tested" on their knowledge of subjects that they consider themselves to be "experts" in. I even had a dude that I was talking to at a garden center tell me several times that "Well, this is what marijuana growers do"....My response was always..."well, what affect would that have on "normal" plants?"

You see...short of blurting out "I'm growing pot..." you are not doing anything that would raise a legal eyebrow so to speak when you buy a grow light, a hydro system or nutes. Now, that is barring that you don't buy several HID lights from the place.

You can always work in small talk about your greenhouse, etc. But whatever. Do you think that hydro stores ONLY sell their wares to marijuana growers? Of course not! They would go out of business. There are many "legit" uses for grow lights. You would be surprised. IF it would help with the paranoia aspect, just stroll through several garden centers and talk to the people there as if you were looking to plant some flowers in your yard, balcony grow box, etc.

I would guess that you aren't thinking LARGE scale or anything since you are asking your particular question here.

Overall, small growers (several plants all under one light, etc) don't even pop up on the radar. As far as the hydro store is concerned, they either exist to supply growers (which would be illegal and would cost them their business) or they supply to gardeners that want an early start on their tomatoes.

IF you are too sketched out to walk in cold and start asking about lights, etc...just go in and ask questions...and don't buy anything if the vibe is icky.

I am sure there are several places the people here on the board could recommend to buy supplies online too.


Well-Known Member
yea, chances are they know already. I was in my hydro store a few days ago and it was kinda bizarre. the clerk was very helpful, knowledgeable and friendly and all but he never asked what I was growing, he just referred to them as
"the plants...."

"what the plants need is..."
"the plants love light, the more the better.."
"make sure U clean this hydroton really good after each harvest, any part of the plants root ball left over can cause contamination..."

at some point I wanted to say "dude what plants are U talking about?" lol

i figure he gets a lot of ppl coming in there to buy stuff for growing, so he just learned not to ask questions. besides, they could really care less what ur growing as long as they make their money. thats why their in business right?

also, when i go there, i make sure that I know what I want, I do research online for my list of what i need, then i go in there and just say give it to me. they dont ask questions, I guess bcuz they dont need to make small talk and kiss up to me for the sale, the deal is done.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
So, if I go to my local hydroponics store to shop for lights and whatnot, what do I say if they ask me what I'm growing? I can just imagine asking a question and being asked "Well, what are you trying to grow" and fumbling around like an idiot.


Don't sweat it... THEY WON'T ASK!

Do not say marijuana or any word that refers to it while in the store. They don't want that shit talked about in their store and many even have signs on the door indicating so. Just like when you go to a smoke shop you are NOT EVER allowed to say "bong"... it's "water pipe"!

Don't offer information and they won't ask. If you have mechanical questions about equipment... ask and they will answer. If the subject does come up... just like the other poster said "tomatoes".


Active Member
The store i went to had a big sign that said if anything illegal was mention that you would get kicked out but they still help me with what nutes are best and how long i should water my plants for just dont mention it they wont ask


Active Member
As everyone said, any respectable garden store will not ask such questions. BTW what store have you ever gone into where the clerk asked you what you intended to use the merchandise for? None, I'm sure.

If in the rare event someone asks (more likely another customer) just tell them tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
So, if I go to my local hydroponics store to shop for lights and whatnot, what do I say if they ask me what I'm growing? I can just imagine asking a question and being asked "Well, what are you trying to grow" and fumbling around like an idiot.

Tell them your growing their bank account,then tell them to hurry up & give you your shit without alot of lip flappin in the process.

Seriously,your their bread & butter,hydro shop owners know damm well people are not investing thousands of dollars on growing cucumbers.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Tell them your growing their bank account,then tell them to hurry up & give you your shit without alot of lip flappin in the process.

Seriously,your their bread & butter,hydro shop owners know damm well people are not investing thousands of dollars on growing cucumbers.
LMAO! I gotta meet you some day, man. I really gotta meet you some day. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Tell them your growing their bank account,then tell them to hurry up & give you your shit without alot of lip flappin in the process.

Seriously,your their bread & butter,hydro shop owners know damm well people are not investing thousands of dollars on growing cucumbers.


Well-Known Member
Alright cool. I figured as much....just wanted to be sure.

I like on on-line purchasing. The only thing major I might want to find locally is an HPS ballast. I think I want digital but that's the one item were I worry about reliability. I'd like to be able to drive the POS back to the store I bought it from and work out repairs/warranty/replacement in person.

Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it... THEY WON'T ASK!

Do not say marijuana or any word that refers to it while in the store. They don't want that shit talked about in their store and many even have signs on the door indicating so. Just like when you go to a smoke shop you are NOT EVER allowed to say "bong"... it's "water pipe"!

Don't offer information and they won't ask. If you have mechanical questions about equipment... ask and they will answer. If the subject does come up... just like the other poster said "tomatoes".
Perfectly said. No smoke shop says asks what you intend to smoke in their products and they usually have signs saying any mention of illegal drugs and you get kicked out. You can ask them about how different pipes effect the smoke, and they will tell you that it cools the smoke, makes it easier on the lungs, all avoiding that magic word...same as a hydro place I assume. Except I imagine hydro shops don't have people working there that look like they smoke weed all day.


Well-Known Member
So, if I go to my local hydroponics store to shop for lights and whatnot, what do I say if they ask me what I'm growing? I can just imagine asking a question and being asked "Well, what are you trying to grow" and fumbling around like an idiot.

tell them dolphins.
plain and simple.