What should I realistically expect to harvest from a grow this size?


Hi, I have this area planned and built already to grow in. I have a second level in my garage which is pretty concealed and I have about 20 sq ft of floor space. I build this box thing and there are two 40"l by 40"w sections to this box, one for veggin one for flowering. I have a height of only 44-50" there I have and since I am using a 250watt MH in the veg room and a 250 watt HPS in the flower room i am height limited. is 250w good for every 10 plants or should I go to 400?

I plan to grow big bud mainly and maybe like 2 og kush and diesel plants for my self. I plant to have at least 15 plants from the big bud strain, and I am getting them all feminised but I am also looking at this strain called topp44 cause its shorter and has a 400-500 yeld in sog and flowers in 6-8 wks. The big bud is 500-650 m/2. So If I have 20 plants in these conditions with the MH and HPS and all the right nutes and water, what hould I expect in ounces per plant? What should expect here? And would all these plants crammed tigether be like a sog sort of grow?

Thanks any help is great and i am only new at this so I welcome advice.


Well-Known Member
Hey man if you plan on growing diesel, beware it gets TALL. Mine is 4foot 7in. And I am only 2 weeks in 12/12. I also have violater kush in there with her, skunk and Northern Lights. They are all on booster seats so they can reach into the light.
Check out my album and see how tall she gets. Again be prepared.


Well-Known Member
600W HPS is not enough for 10 plants to flourish, IMEx . . . and those seed guides are likely based on ideal conditions. You could possibly do a scrog under that limited light, but it ain't gonna be huge.
It's tricky growing multiple plants (more than a few).
I suggest you grow within your abilities until you know the ropes.
MY back hurts just thinking about crawling around in 50" space, moving a dozen plants, watering, etc.
Grow on.


Well-Known Member
Don't do big bud it's not a good enough smoke to bother with. And I would suggest just a few plants in that small of an area. Maybe 4 rather than 10.


with a 250 and the right amount of plants and strain, its not unheard off to 6-8 oz a harvest


Hey man if you plan on growing diesel, beware it gets TALL. Mine is 4foot 7in. And I am only 2 weeks in 12/12. I also have violater kush in there with her, skunk and Northern Lights. They are all on booster seats so they can reach into the light.
Check out my album and see how tall she gets. Again be prepared.

wow thats really tall
i just like diesel due to its effects the high is much different but its hard to come by here so Id like to have an o of it or so. I think I could get an o off ot it if I veg till its like 2 1/2 ft?


is this per harvest? How many ounces could i get a plant ?

i grow inside with a 250 watter and it has many advantages. it dont suck up your light bill, very litte heat and easy to cool. 28,5000 lumens that kills any cfls. also can be kept to 5 inches above plants w/o burning with just a good fan.

its not unheard of to get an oz per plant or a little better it just depends thats a very broad question u know?


i grow inside with a 250 watter and it has many advantages. it dont suck up your light bill, very litte heat and easy to cool. 28,5000 lumens that kills any cfls. also can be kept to 5 inches above plants w/o burning with just a good fan.

its not unheard of to get an oz per plant or a little better it just depends thats a very broad question u know?

ya thats true. I had my hopes up for like 4 oz a plant with the big bud lol thatd be nice

im thinking now maybe I should just go for something stronger in thc like white widow or something. I am going to have good air flow so im sure the plants wont burn. What kind of plants do u get an o from with the 250? do you grow them high or just veg and flower quick?


you want your plants to finish around 2-2.5 feet because in all honesty the 250 dont penatreate so well past that point. look into scrog, or lollipoping