What should I put under these 15 LIGHTS???


Well-Known Member
san fransisco victor must be laughing his balls off. can we finish this unnecesary and not funny anymore thread? i mean its waste of space


Well-Known Member
arrogance / conceit are lame, not mention jerking everyone on the 15lbs thread around. did i mention spamming ?

wtf is all this talk of spamming? i don't see the spam. :-?:-? i mean really. that's the best you got? spamming? spamming what?


Well-Known Member
wtf is all this talk of spamming? i don't see the spam. :-?:-? i mean really. that's the best you got? spamming? spamming what?
If I link it I'm just doing it for him ... he wants thread hits to adv. his website, locounion something or other. and i'm sure you read my other explanations, so I won't repeat them.


Well-Known Member
If I link it I'm just doing it for him ... he wants thread hits to adv. his website, locounion something or other. and i'm sure you read my other explanations, so I won't repeat them.

his website isn't even up yet. i clicked it, it's parked. i'm confused. :-?:-?

i just don't understand all the rage. how can typed out words cause so much anger? :neutral: is it that people feel suckered? i really am not taking sides or trying to defend the guy. i just want to understand why all the anger. i've seen this here before. i never have understood it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
when i attended anger awareness classes they always stressed to "just walk away". :)
I'm not angry. I'm just calling it like I see it.

If you're referring to the knee-jerk responses in this thread, I never really stopped to think about the motivation behind them. I think people do feel gipped, or like they're having their chains yanked. I think they're right. That said, I don't understand how that invokes "anger". I think it's part of a pissing contest.

Yes, it's parked ... but you clicked it, didn't you? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm not angry. I'm just calling it like I see it.

If you're referring to the knee-jerk responses in this thread, I never really stopped to think about the motivation behind them. I think people do feel gipped, or like they're having their chains yanked. I think they're right. That said, I don't understand how that invokes "anger". I think it's part of a pissing contest.

Yes, it's parked ... but you clicked it, didn't you? :mrgreen:
i was generalizing. :mrgreen::peace:

yeah i clicked it. dude lives 45 mins away from me. if he's for real i may need some help. :blsmoke::blsmoke:

i too am waiting for the proof, but my panties are loose. i don't get why a lot of other have theirs all bunched up. lol


Well-Known Member
If I where this guy I wouldnt come back here... people have deff done enough to make him feel unwanted... its like the fn jordon haters I dont get it. poor guy gets followed from thread to thread getting called a liar.. Maybe its maturity but I tend to walk away from what I perceive as bullshit! either way this sucks cause eventually I will not check his threads just so I dont have to feel the negative vibe that people seem to want give out for him... everyone should toke and ignore what they dont believe... Maybe its cause school is not in....

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
that's where i'm stuck as well. maybe jealousy? :neutral::-?
i dont thing its jealousy. no one is jealous over GG's grow and she is starting a big op. i think the people who reguraly post to this site view it as their own little peice of the internet and are not very tolerent when someone comes around and just wants to brag about how cool their op is. i swore i wouldnt post to his threads but this type of behaviour on both sides of the issue is killing my buzz too.


Well-Known Member
i dont thing its jealousy. no one is jealous over GG's grow and she is starting a big op. i think the people who reguraly post to this site view it as their own little peice of the internet and are not very tolerent when someone comes around and just wants to brag about how cool their op is. i swore i wouldnt post to his threads but this type of behaviour on both sides of the issue is killing my buzz too.
Well maybe the people on this site are used to there small yeilds adn when someone comes in to show different they do get jelous that there not producing that much. As it also goes with lighting on this site but we wont get into that....

Anyways friscovic i was wondering if but cutting off the fan leaves a few weeks before harvest if it will increase yeilds.

Although i will admitt that this comment "Tired of these CFL closet growin' fools. Now I must unleash the dragon." of yours was really dumb, you got a problem with my weed growin very nicely in my closet with CFL's. My situation calls for a CFL closet grow.
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Well-Known Member
If I don't get to see this grow I'll track everyone down and kick them in their nuts or vajayjay.
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Well-Known Member
i dont thing its jealousy. no one is jealous over GG's grow and she is starting a big op. i think the people who reguraly post to this site view it as their own little peice of the internet and are not very tolerent when someone comes around and just wants to brag about how cool their op is. i swore i wouldnt post to his threads but this type of behaviour on both sides of the issue is killing my buzz too.
yeah you got it. that and the 'closet growin fools' comment.