What should i grow?!


Well-Known Member
yes fab you can add me ill add you aswell and i buy and ounce a day which is 160+ from my guy but like i said i make about 300 a day on a bad day so im not rich but with everything going like it is now im building a small fortune haha once i get the money to do so im going to become the boss of a small company not bad for a 25 year old i started doing this when i was 15 with my dad once i hit 18 i was working full force and i say i average 2 lbs a month sometime it is a little less then that maybe 1 - 2 lbs just depends on how im feeling that day


Well-Known Member
i used to smoke a 1/4- 1/2lb a week of some dank ass outdoor nugs. if you stuff 3 sweets a day it aint hard i fit like 9g s per blunt. but after going in the hole when i was selling 4lbs a week i had to settle down. get the next gen dynamite or blue dynamite. they have a pheno that finishes in under 50 days and the others are around 56 days.


Well-Known Member
Well than if money is no problem...
Go to the attitiude or legends and buy up some dank! Then start a journal and share with us. Actually you know what dude, if money seriously ain't an issue,
get this:
http://www.drgreenthumb.com/GreenthumbSeedsProfiles.htm#Profile Matanuska Thunderfuck

And start a journal.

the Millennium Bud from the link you gave me is exaclty what im looking for thank you so much for the link i think im going to keep my options open though and change it up every now and again and maybe do more then just one strain


Well-Known Member
greenthumbs genetics are top notch!!!!! i think hobbes grew a endless sky with a fast flowering pheno


Active Member
Guys i need some help

i need a little help with this one

im looking to grow about 2 lbs a month but only

wanna keep 4 to 8 plants and want to keep them

around 3 feet tall but want it to be a straight grow

looking for a good mind and body high strain

so something thats uplifting but can still put you

on couch lock if you really dont care.

Any strains you guys might know of that could feed my need for weed

love you guys for any help and love riu

not sure if it will meet your expectations, but i would just get the highest yielding indica you can find, since indicas stay short and give you mroe of the body high and couch lock.


Well-Known Member
How do you even have time do anything during the day when you have to smoke what 28 blunts a day. I'm calling bullshit just can't wrap my head around it and I'am a veteran smoker you are only 25 sounds like bullshit.

If it is true that you do which I doubt there is no strain that can slow your crave man. I mean Ive smoke shit that is so good you cant smoke a blunt its just too rough and powerful you need help.


New Member
im sorry i smoke my back out and my gf helps but i smoke a oz maybe a oz and a half a month dude u need that show on TV intervention jk


Well-Known Member
hahhaha i got some of the best nugs around period. i smoked 3 blunts a day. take a swisher sweet the big ones not the cigarillos straighten a metal coat hanger pull all the tobacco out stuff the weed back in at it holds a bout 8-9gs.


Well-Known Member
I would say that if you want a yield of 2lbs and you want to grow some 15%+ THC you better be willing to invest in some serious odor control. Stay away from the ozone generators.


Well-Known Member
as far as small blunt i only roll 1 to 2 g's each to make it threw the day
me without weed is like a crack head without rock

ANYWAYS you guys were getting off topic lol but oder control is not an issue
ive got all my ideas for my grow room set up but just needed a couple strains
to have in mind that would find me what im looking for the number of plants isnt
really a problem but would prefer to keep under 12 so thats 6 plant harvest every
month now with all this said again what am i looking at as far as high yield heavy
stoned but uplifting smoke