What should i do???


Well-Known Member
All of them showing yellowing ,brown dots,and drying eventually every single leaf that is a little sick dies. Week 4 flowering useing bio bizz pack included bio heaven and top max,ph 6.1,im at full dosage with nutes and useing them every watering,once at 3 days when i see the need. 32C 600w hps. So its ph problem,nute,or what? I am almost sure its not N def 4ml/l bio grow npk436image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
All of them showing yellowing ,brown dots,and drying eventually every single leaf that is a little sick dies. Week 4 flowering useing bio bizz pack included bio heaven and top max,ph 6.1,im at full dosage with nutes and useing them every watering,once at 3 days when i see the need. 32C 600w hps. So its ph problem,nute,or what? I am almost sure its not N def 4ml/l bio grow npk436View attachment 3465734View attachment 3465735 View attachment 3465736
i know this one
manganese deficiency

go to a drug store and buy Manganese chelate....it is in the vit isle grab a pill crusher to.........crush 2 pill get a mason jar with lid add the powder pill inside fill 3/4 full of hottest tap water u can .....shake it likes owes u money and weed for 10 years ......add ice cubes to cool the water off .....give it to the plant

for that to get lock out in soil my notes say ph in the soil lower then 5.5 or higher then 6.5 ..............what i told u will help it but u need to know if ph issuse or just lack of that in the feed for the strain

so do a PH soil test ........simplest way is get 2 gallons of water ph it to 6.5 pour a gallon in if it does not leak out the bottom use the 2nd gallon .......u want to capture the run off and test it it will tell u what the soil PH is (rem u phed it to 6.5 that is what soil should be at )


Well-Known Member
i know this one
manganese deficiency

go to a drug store and buy Manganese chelate....it is in the vit isle grab a pill crusher to.........crush 2 pill get a mason jar with lid add the powder pill inside fill 3/4 full of hottest tap water u can .....shake it likes owes u money and weed for 10 years ......add ice cubes to cool the water off .....give it to the plant

for that to get lock out in soil my notes say ph in the soil lower then 5.5 or higher then 6.5 ..............what i told u will help it but u need to know if ph issuse or just lack of that in the feed for the strain

so do a PH soil test ........simplest way is get 2 gallons of water ph it to 6.5 pour a gallon in if it does not leak out the bottom use the 2nd gallon .......u want to capture the run off and test it it will tell u what the soil PH is (rem u phed it to 6.5 that is what soil should be at )
Ok so i did this some weeks back when i just watered them with 6.5 water,runoff 5,8.Now my nute compost is like 6,1 ph and my soil is a cannaterra pro mix with peatmoss so the recomanded ph is 6-6,3


Well-Known Member
i know this one
manganese deficiency

go to a drug store and buy Manganese chelate....it is in the vit isle grab a pill crusher to.........crush 2 pill get a mason jar with lid add the powder pill inside fill 3/4 full of hottest tap water u can .....shake it likes owes u money and weed for 10 years ......add ice cubes to cool the water off .....give it to the plant

for that to get lock out in soil my notes say ph in the soil lower then 5.5 or higher then 6.5 ..............what i told u will help it but u need to know if ph issuse or just lack of that in the feed for the strain

so do a PH soil test ........simplest way is get 2 gallons of water ph it to 6.5 pour a gallon in if it does not leak out the bottom use the 2nd gallon .......u want to capture the run off and test it it will tell u what the soil PH is (rem u phed it to 6.5 that is what soil should be at )
And,as backup plan,couse i live in a forgotten country and i am really sure i am not gonna find manganese chelelate pills at local drugs stores. What to use if its impossible to find,epsom salts was almost imposssible to find:))


Well-Known Member
And,as backup plan,couse i live in a forgotten country and i am really sure i am not gonna find manganese chelelate pills at local drugs stores. What to use if its impossible to find,epsom salts was almost imposssible to find:))
u need feed with MN in it look for that

worst case amazon it


Well-Known Member
just so u know littlehorn is a old name for satan

i would go 2 mls to a gallon of feed water.........mix up your feed then add this (if it does not get results fast we can go folliar sprayer )
I know what littlehorn means. Thanks alot i orded it and i just hope that it will deliver fast so i can save my girls. Running against time


Well-Known Member
I know what littlehorn means. Thanks alot i orded it and i just hope that it will deliver fast so i can save my girls. Running against time
np man

just a idea why not get a buddy in another country to order u the stuff and then ship it too u

2 kits i know of
organic .....Go box
chemical....Fox Farms Dirty Dozen

both kits have everything u need for several plants ......and they both have plans to fallow on the side

if i end up doing it for u it will cost u the price of the thing and i can try to use my amazon prime to have it directed to where u are .....if they will not let me send like that u got to pay the shipping cost too

u can ask around i done it for a couple ppl before( like 3 times ) ....i am honest


Well-Known Member
np man

just a idea why not get a buddy in another country to order u the stuff and then ship it too u

2 kits i know of
organic .....Go box
chemical....Fox Farms Dirty Dozen

both kits have everything u need for several plants ......and they both have plans to fallow on the side

if i end up doing it for u it will cost u the price of the thing and i can try to use my amazon prime to have it directed to where u are .....if they will not let me send like that u got to pay the shipping cost too

u can ask around i done it for a couple ppl before( like 3 times ) ....i am honest
Ok,so its not like its hard to find anything propper to grow in my country,but its also extreamly illegal,so i growed up very caucious about weed and i will not trust any one with anything on web,exept advice. No hard feelingz bro


Well-Known Member
Ok,so its not like its hard to find anything propper to grow in my country,but its also extreamly illegal,so i growed up very caucious about weed and i will not trust any one with anything on web,exept advice. No hard feelingz bro

move if u can then .....if they are that uptight about growing ......odds are they set a system up to cross check buys ...like u said about epsom salt being hard to find that is a common thing for growing anything ....not trying to freak yah i just think to much so i know things i should not

if the area is away from living things i can tell u how to make a fire system to burn the room if u ever need too ......remote or switch system ( nothing left unless they have firefighters with them then something might be left behide).......they bust me i am looking at life so i plan to go out if they raid me fast move they shoot


Well-Known Member
when the room is hot, the plants drinks more water and less nutes so full strength nutes is not the best move

low ph, hot room and strong nutes, sounds like the start of nute burn to me
manganese deficiency looks different to this , some leaves looks light green with dark green veins, really stands out

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Well-Known Member
Now im fucking sure that is manganesse ive researched it and it makes sense,if you feed with too much mg it will lock the mn and if you feed with too much mn you will lock iron and thats what i basicly did i am sure i gave too much mg and now mn is on my nerves


Well-Known Member
actually from what i read manganese will go deficient in the youngest growth first, rather than the older growth like the pictures you posted... you say you know for sure it's not nitrogen, but you don't know anything for certain without some kind of test if you don't know what you're dealing with. All the new growth on your plants look fine to me, and unless that is spreading quickly, i wouldn't be incredibly concerned about it. if you are very concerned, flush out your soil with a lot of water (3x the water to the container size) and then the next water, use 1/2 strength nutrients. make sure your soil Ph is good by checking run off like the above poster suggested.


Well-Known Member
actually from what i read manganese will go deficient in the youngest growth first, rather than the older growth like the pictures you posted... you say you know for sure it's not nitrogen, but you don't know anything for certain without some kind of test if you don't know what you're dealing with. All the new growth on your plants look fine to me, and unless that is spreading quickly, i wouldn't be incredibly concerned about it. if you are very concerned, flush out your soil with a lot of water (3x the water to the container size) and then the next water, use 1/2 strength nutrients. make sure your soil Ph is good by checking run off like the above poster suggested.
Spreading too fast ill try to do what you said


Well-Known Member
actually from what i read manganese will go deficient in the youngest growth first, rather than the older growth like the pictures you posted... you say you know for sure it's not nitrogen, but you don't know anything for certain without some kind of test if you don't know what you're dealing with. All the new growth on your plants look fine to me, and unless that is spreading quickly, i wouldn't be incredibly concerned about it. if you are very concerned, flush out your soil with a lot of water (3x the water to the container size) and then the next water, use 1/2 strength nutrients. make sure your soil Ph is good by checking run off like the above poster suggested.
So its week 5 of flowering and its obviously stoping growth and buds are not fattening,i have a runnoff of 6.0. I bought the revive supliment from advanced nutrients used it hopefully ill see some effects,waiting for manganesse pills too,ill do anything to save this crop


Well-Known Member
So its week 5 of flowering and its obviously stoping growth and buds are not fattening,i have a runnoff of 6.0. I bought the revive supliment from advanced nutrients used it hopefully ill see some effects,waiting for manganesse pills too,ill do anything to save this crop
doesn't seem like anything is affecting your Ph if it's coming off 6.0

you DO NOT have manganese def. here is why... read this please so i dont have to explain. http://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/manganese-in-plants.htm

im having another look at your pics to try and help you out again. do you have any update pictures? is problem worsening? sometimes i just remove the damaged leaves to see if new damage appears. this is effective when it spreads from oldest growth to youngest, which is definitely what is happening to your girls.


Well-Known Member
32C 600w hps.
your room gets 32C?!?!?!?! you need to get this to 26C MAX. that will help you a lot right now. are any of your leaf margins cupping upward?? i'd be amazed if they arent.

So its ph problem,nute,or what? I am almost sure its not N def
those containers look small, how long have they been in them and what size are they? high temps combined with rootbound pots will lead to the plant depleting nutrients quickly from the soil because they are transpiring so rapidly. I am certain you are right it's not a N def... plant is very green... almost too green (dark)....


Well-Known Member
your room gets 32C?!?!?!?! you need to get this to 26C MAX. that will help you a lot right now. are any of your leaf margins cupping upward?? i'd be amazed if they arent.

those containers look small, how long have they been in them and what size are they? high temps combined with rootbound pots will lead to the plant depleting nutrients quickly from the soil because they are transpiring so rapidly. I am certain you are right it's not a N def... plant is very green... almost too green (dark)....
Ok so its a little hot yeah but they growth there their entire life,no heat stress no curling nothing,i dont know how to cool it of its from the lights,the pots are 6 liters. Its still happening i had foliar fed them with revive today ill update tomorrow the pics