What should I do with my mom?


Active Member
PoG mother has produced a lot of clones, but now I'm ready to move on to other strains, so now it's just taking up space and light, neither of which I have in unlimitted supply. I fimmed the tops about a week ago for no particular reason - just to practice fimming I guess - never tried it before. Did I do it right?

Should I just chop it down and throw it in the worm bin? Train it through a screen and flower it? Sell it on craigslist?

I've got a 400 HPS I could flower it with - how much do you think it would yield if I let it recover from the fimming and then flowered it?



Active Member
If you have the room I would def flower that big ol mama. Using your 400 watt light taking in that all the other factors of your grow room are good you could get a couple of ounces to a quarter pound.