What should I do. Personal question


Active Member
man your not alone ..ive been in mental hospital several times in the last few years over it..
but just a word of caution alcohol makes it worse if you drink.. i about drank myself to death over the years..weed always calms me down.. im a musician of sorts.i play bass and guitar some..quitting drinking for me and just smoking weed really changed my life alot..anyways hang in there buddy.......


Well-Known Member
no man its called social anxiety he has all the same symtoms i would bet every dime i have it must be social anxiety. if you have anyquestions or need some helpfull advice im here buddy just pm me..


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Socializing problems. Me too. I stay at home in my own little world. Except everyday at 7am sharp I go to this semi-social thing called a job. Thats usually all the interacting I need/ can handle. The older I get the more introverted I've become. I find myself to be more interesting and cooler than everyone else I meet. So I just stay at home and do awesome things with myself. Like just today I got some pepperoni sticks and pretended I was Godzilla destroying Tokyo and the p sticks were the skyscrapers! It was a blast. I also managed to feed myself at the same time. 2 birds 1 stone.
rofl rofl rofl lol lol lol

im exactly the same minus the godzilla pepperoni sticks situation but that is funny as hell i can picture it now lol. its true though most people seem to be cattle just following the herd and if the herd says its not cool then its not cool. well fuck em i like shit that not everybody says is cool. growing herb is one of those things for me. i dont know anyone else that grows or smokes. im totally happy without other peoples bs they only cause you hassles in the long run as most people just want to use you anyway


Active Member
My girlfriend wanted to go to the mall and wanted me to ride with her a few day ago and I said I would but when it came time to go today I backed out of going and let her go because her sister was going to ride and I got sorta nervous feeling and didn't wanna ride plus the mall is like 30 miles away. Never really met her sister so I guess that's why i backed out I mean I seen her just haven't really talked.


Active Member
i agree most people will either try making you feel like shit because they do and cant stand your happiness .your they are out to get whatever you have to offer them..

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I'm with Uno and Neo here. the older i get the shorter my tolerance for stupidity gets. One of the largest hurdles for me ws to be comfortable with my own company, and that took for ever. Now that I am, i find that I prefer my own company, and my dog of course. Growing fits my lifestyle. I never have company, dont want any. I'm content to sit and tend the girls. I do have the occasional friend over, but the grow is well away from common areas, and odor control is a science here.
I havent been to the mall twice in 25 years, never do WalMart, and I've grown accustomed to it and Im really OK with my solitude.

Smokyadams, tht ws the second major hurdle in life to overcome alcoholism. I stoppped smoking in College and took up drinking. about 8 years ago, I started smoking again and THAT got me off alcohol when nothing else could. MJ saved my life in more wys than one.


Active Member
I agree with the issues relating to confidence... if you feel good about yourself, you won't feel as judged, which is for most the underlying trigger of social anxiety...

Anxiety/panic can get completely debilitating if you don't address it early on...


Active Member
I'm always the "quiet guy" when there are groups of people, don't really know why i guess I just kinda shut down. That is unless i've been drinking, then i become social.. unless I drink too much then i become an asshole lol... A few beers in a social situation helps a lot