what should i do if


Active Member
i dont have a ph tester and have a bag of perlite and top soil and am growing in the mix and want to get good bud but dont have money to get a ph tester


Well-Known Member
Plants should be fine without it, if something does get messed up and ant find the problem it might however be worth it to invest 5$ in a meter.
Ive never needed mine but my tap water is also mountain spring water


Well-Known Member
If you're using tap water don't forget to let it either sit out for 24-48 hours to remove the chlorine from it. Or if you have an aquarium air-pump and air stone you can just bubble air though it for 30 minutes to remove the chlorine. Do that and you should be fine without a pH meter. Fancy pH meters are more important for hydroponics than soil, IMO.


Well-Known Member
My 2nd proper grow I did, I NEVER ph'd the water, and nor did I always let the water sit for 24 hours, although I did at times.

Half the time I used to boil the water and let it cool, to remove excessive lime, as we have a lot here.

I was still happy with my end yield, ended up with a christmas tree look a like that went wrong, (didn't top it)

And a decent bush that I did top.

I always ph down now, and I check with the ph solution vial, but I'm growing hydro.

I've heard before that even if the water's ph'd with soil, it can still shift, dunno personally as haven't experienced it.