what should i do if my roots are to big


Well-Known Member
i dont think it maters much anymore, but i still would like to know if i did the right thing. i have a small 3 gall DWC tub for my veg chanber. with a 150 w flor bulb. i started veging my clones, and wanted them to be large. so i removed 4 of the largest ones and transferred them into flower. the root system was very thick and tangeled. i carefully separated what i could and cut the rest. the remaining 8 clones were still small so i left them for a nother week. after one week they were much larger and reedy for the transfer. i started using subculture m & b , and i wondering if i should have waited until the transfer. the roots were very tangled and hard to separate. what is the best method for separating roots? i tryed this same question in the indoor growing section but nobody wanted to help. so ill try it again here. all this trama happened on Saturday. and i wont know the results until friday, when i can take a peek at them. im hoping somebody can ease my mind that have experienced tangeled root systems before.


Well-Known Member
You cant look at them for nearly a week?!? Fark dude! but no cutting the roots isnt my of an issue if the plants are healthy they can take a fair bit of a battering.


Well-Known Member
sub-culture is quite pricey, Botanicare has Guardian My, waaay more affordable
sory to late. i dont have a problem with subculture only roots. after about 5 weeks in veg the roots were crazy, kinda like roots on crack.

the only reason i had to cut them is to transfer them. i hated cuting them.


New Member
My friend,if youre roots are getting outta control,then you sir are doin er'thang correcto.You want a dense root mass b/c larger the roots,larger plants can happen=more bud.There are several root pruning techniques to maximize potential in water based systems,i suggest you do alil research b/c i dont feel like doin all that typin,hope this helps,peace bro....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
my friend,if youre roots are getting outta control,then you sir are doin er'thang correcto.you want a dense root mass b/c larger the roots,larger plants can happen=more bud.there are several root pruning techniques to maximize potential in water based systems,i suggest you do alil research b/c i dont feel like doin all that typin,hope this helps,peace bro....bongsmilie
ok thanks ill check that out.