What should I do if my clones aren't taking?


Well-Known Member
I bought 20 clones of San Fernando Valley. My guy told me 12 days till completion, then he asked for a few more because they were slow to root. Then he asked for a few more. These clones were not very robust. I've bought them from the same people before and they always look strong. I've had over 20 clones take in the past and I only lost 3 clones on my first grow.

Now I paid this guy $200. All but 4 out of 20 are dying. I don't know what I can do. I just lost a lot of money and can't afford another $200. Should I call the clone grower and ask him if he can offer me a discount on replacement. I don't know what's cool.

My procedure was to plant the clones that were in rock wool squares in a 10 litre pot. I watered them a bit with a weak grow solution. I placed them under high lights dimmed to 500 watts to help them get acclimated. This simple strategy of weak solution and not full intense lights has worked in the past and the clones usually take in a few days. Now they are all dying.


Well-Known Member
Pics of the 4 survivors would help. You do not describe their appearance or problems, just that they are dying. However I would definitely call this guy and explain the situation. Tell him you have never had this problem before but it is probably something you may doing wrong. Possibly he could help? In other words don't put this guy on the defensive immediately or he will turn it into that instead of possibly replacing the clones. In fact, ask him to give you a few clones along with how he would treat them had he been the buyer. Try what he says.


Active Member
Wow that sucks. Just call and tell him the situation. If he is reputable he should offer you new ones at no charge. If not i would start looking for someone else to get your clones from.


Well-Known Member
Humidity domes ASAP!!!

Are they looking droopy and falling over to one side?

Humidity up around 85% will help bring them back.

It sounds like they weren't rooted when you got them.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips. My grower is bringing me a few more clones. I'm also buying a humidifier because my room got down to 16% humidity--ouch. Hopefully with a little love, some new clones, and more humidity I will be more successful.


Well-Known Member
How do you get the clones? Are they in rockwool? Do you put them in rockwool then into soil? Are they rooted or just fresh cuttings?

I root cuttings in a home made bubble cloner then put them into 16oz cups with FF Ocean Forest soil. I use no humidity dome and my RH is around 30%. I put them under a 2' 4 bulb PL fixture (similar to a t5). Water like I water everything else. When the pot is light, water.

IME, rockwool holds too much moisture and can lead to stem rot.


Active Member
You didn't buy clones you spent 200$ on cuttings.. Damn I'd never pay for that shit unless I saw roots coming out of the rock wool

Your getting ripped off


You do not describe their appearance or problems, just that they are dying. However I would definitely call this guy and explain the situation.


Well-Known Member
They were semi rooted cuttings in rockwool. I called the guy and he's going to give me a few extras. Only he operates on weed time and he didn't call me back yesterday, so now I have to be a jerk and chase him down. The plants just withered away to nothing. I don't know how to describe it. I've done this a few times and never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
My guy told me 12 days till completion, then he asked for a few more because they were slow to root. Then he asked for a few more. These clones were not very robust
He fucked up using sick clones and sick mother, tell him to do a new batch with larger cuttings show him the crap ones.