What should i do about these bugs


Well-Known Member
what i do bro is i get that Safe soup and some neemoil and mix them together with a drop of dish soup to break down the neemoil and spray them down and then after that i would go get some lady bugs and let them go to work cause a lady bug will eat twice its weight every day and thats what i do and its always gets rid of all my bugs


what i do bro is i get that Safe soup and some neemoil and mix them together with a drop of dish soup to break down the neemoil and spray them down and then after that i would go get some lady bugs and let them go to work cause a lady bug will eat twice its weight every day and thats what i do and its always gets rid of all my bugs

haha...you will eat twice your body weight..lol...sorry!


Well-Known Member
Neem Oil and a spray bottle and what ever it says on the directions. Thats what I did and I sprayed the girls down real good under and all over the leaves. I am looking real good so far not a single bug. I spray it on the soil to. So far so good I would reccomend it!