What PPM do I start my Clones in using GH Flora Nutirents??


Well-Known Member
What PPM do you great growers use when using these nutrients. I have Flora Grow, Micro, and Bloom, and Cool Bloom. I was wanting to know what schedule has worked for you so I can have a good starting point. it is Hydro and in a ebb and flow system with rockwool cubes. Thanks Also what are the PPms though the weeks that you grow too if you dont mind.


Well-Known Member
What PPM do you great growers use when using these nutrients. I have Flora Grow, Micro, and Bloom, and Cool Bloom. I was wanting to know what schedule has worked for you so I can have a good starting point. it is Hydro and in a ebb and flow system with rockwool cubes. Thanks Also what are the PPms though the weeks that you grow too if you dont mind.
Can somebody that uses these give the the schedule they use so I have a great starting point please. I have read the GH chart is to high in ppms to start out with and will burn plants.:joint:


Well-Known Member
If these are fresh cuttings, you don't need any nutes until they're rooted. Just pH'd water, I prefer about 6.0 or less. If these clones are fully rooted, I'd start them off at no more than 300 PPM for the first week and slowly increase each week thereafter.


Well-Known Member
If these are fresh cuttings, you don't need any nutes until they're rooted. Just pH'd water, I prefer about 6.0 or less. If these clones are fully rooted, I'd start them off at no more than 300 PPM for the first week and slowly increase each week thereafter.
Can you tell me how much I should increase by each week? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I would increase by 25% each week until you reach the full dose, assuming your plants respond well. If you get any kind of leaf curling or significant yellowing, back off the ferts and give plain water.


Well-Known Member
But can anybody give a week by week nute schedule of what Flora nutes they used and how many PPM for every week from clone to harvest..that would be the most helpful of all!!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't have a schedule that I follow. I start clones once they are rooted at 200 ppm's, then I increase by 100 ppm's each week until I reach 900. I use the 1:1:1 ratio for veg - maxing out at 900 and switch to 1:2:3 ratio in flower with the same ppm's. I rarely go over 900 unless a particular strain appears to need more food. Hope that's helpful.


microgrowbloomdiamond nectarfloraliscious
growflora shield week 12.5ml5ml2.5ml15ml5ml37.5mlvegative stage - 18 hours of lightmicrogrowbloomdiamond nectarfloraliscious
growflora shieldchi
(foliar)week 15ml10ml3ml15ml5ml37.5ml210mlweek 26ml12ml3ml15ml5ml37.5ml week 36ml14ml3ml15ml5ml37.5ml210mlflowering stage - 12 hours of lightmicrogrowbloomdiamond nectarfloraliscious
bloomflora shieldchi
(foliar)kool bloomweek 16ml2.5ml10ml15ml5ml37.5mlweek 26ml3ml12ml15ml5ml37.5ml210ml week 37ml3ml14ml15ml5ml37.5mlweek 48ml4ml16ml 5ml37.5ml week 58ml4ml16ml5ml37.5ml1.5gweek 68ml 20ml 5ml37.5ml 1.5gweek 78ml20ml5ml37.5ml1.5gweek 8rinse with fresh water for entire 8th weekFlora Shield is for hydroponic systems only, ignore if in soiless mix

Hope this is the right one.