What pot size to use for transplant


Active Member
These 6 plants have been growing in 500ml(0.13 gallons) pots for 2 weeks from seed feeding GHE 3 parts

I need to transplant them into bigger pots and I am going to use fabric pots

Should I transplant them into the 5 liter(1.3gallons) pots and then finally the 10 liter(2.6 gallons) pots

Or should I just go straight for the 10 liter(2.6 gallons) pots, will water log be a problem going straight for the 10 liter pots



Well-Known Member
Going strait into the final pot reduces the transplant shock and makes your life easier. The plants will only get water logged if you overwater. BTW, your plants are looking really good for 2 weeks!


Well-Known Member
... should I just go straight for the 10 liter(2.6 gallons) pots ...
Just saw that you were using 10 litre pots. FYI - my last grow, I used 12 litre pots that ended up being on the small side for plants that were just over 2' at finished height. And 2' finished is not exceptionally tall. When I dumped the pots out after harvest, I saw that the roots had reached the bottom, were growing upwards again (almost reached the top of the pot) and were hard as heck.

The girls were definitely root bound in those smaller pots. Fortunately, they were able to finish up OK but I didn't want to push my luck this time so I have gone up to the 5 gallon buckets. The roots appreciate the additional "lebensraum".

Could you go to larger buckets?


Well-Known Member
I believe in one transplant. Go to it’s final home. I say 5 gallon or 7 gallon depending on your room size.