What pk booster is the best

If you really think you need it just get some MKP and potassium sulfate. You can get a pound of each for $20. It's what's in all those overpriced fancy label boosters anyway. Don't pay $25 a quart when you can make a hundred gallons for less by mixing stuff with water yourself.
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I’ve been looking into pk boosters as it’s natural and it increases yield, but now I don’t know what company to go with. If anyone wants to help I would appreciate it :)

PK boosters tend to do more bad then good!

High P can be very bad! It causes the plant to mature too fast and they will yellow out and die...

I don't run my P over a value 7 in NPK during bloom. Average MPK for me in bloom? 4-6-6 I do run some K sulfate early to mid bloom and stop. Same for some Mag sulfate, same timeline.

IF, plant appears to be "not finishing" in 10 to 11 weeks (8 weeks is basically BS for a truly finished plant) THEN drop in a little MPK or just P to get her to finish... This is for Indica and most cross breed's. Pure Sativa's - always run longer.
Manipulating lighting times. Works better here. That's for plants that are running OVER there finish time.

The same lighting manipulation can work for Indica's and cross breeds too...

That's decreasing lights on times to 10 hrs on...