thx www, another question, if i go w. a DWC method, how much root should be exposed to air? how will the roots that grow below the pots reach the water resv. if they do not find water? there's no drainage holes correct? do i assume that i raise the h2o resv. to just beneath the pots so that the tips of the new root growth just hits the water...then drop the level of the resv. if so how do i lower the resv. w/o drainage holes?
im sorry about these questions, i know it's not rocket science per say, but im a new grower and i just recently bought some really expensive seeds that i want to maximize yield and increase flowering time.
please understand your advice is GREATLY appreciated.
thx again.
You fill the rez up to the top in the begining, so the plants are sitting in the water/nukes. The plants will soak-up/use a lot of water/nukes, so you will need to add water/just water a few times between rez changes.
Rez changing is exactly what it sounds like. You are going to dump the entire contents of your tank, using a kerosene syphon pump works great for me. Then you fill the tank up with new fresh water/nukes.
You need to change your rez atleast once every 2 weeks.
And hey, I am going to suggest that you forget about air. Plants are going to get air because just like for us, it is all around them. What the plants need from you is to give them nurishment/water/nukes.
I think you have gotten caught up on the whole "Air" thing and it is preventing you from moving forward in your research.
There is nothing blowing air onto your roots in these systems...
As the water in your rez gets used up, it is replaced by AIR, cause air is everywhere.
When you water your plant in a Hempy bucket, the water/nukes get used up and are replaced by air. The space in between the top of the plant, the part where there is just perilite and the bottom where the water/nukes are located - all have air in between them. Also, the space in between each little piece of perilite is air.
If you read the front of your bag of Miracle Grow Perilite - it saids "Improves Drainage & Aeration in potting mixes" - that means it helps air to circulate in the soil of your potted plants. So if you are growing in only Perilite, how could there ever be an issue with AIR?!
Please really read this thread so that you can understand what's going on with DWC
And Please really read this thread so that you can understand what's going on with Hempy Buckets
After that, you should be on your way!