• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

what percentage of roots should be in water? what % exposed to air


New Member
cool, there's a walmart right by me. my car is in the shop so im limited to what stores i can go to. where can i buy verc mix? im not sure even what it is. i dont have any garden stores by me, the closest place would be like a home depot.

btw, you've been the most helpful person to me on this site, ty so much!!!

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Finding the vermiculite will prove to be quite a task... I have gone to Home Depot, Walmart, Canadian Tire, Ace Hareware and TruValue - nobody had any. There's a Landscaper not far from me, but I haven't been able to catch him at home. You can find it easily on the internet:
Small bag - Vermiculite .25cf bag
Big bag - Vermiculite, 4 cubic foot bag-International Greenhouse Company Greenhouse Mega Store has everything you need to build, equip, and maintain a commercial, hobby, school or institutional greenhouse.

But the shipping is gonna kill you and you really don't need to use it... As always, I'm happy to help when I can.


Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

Be like that then. I gess I will have just be an unhelpfully person, and tell you that you home depot, should carrie Perlight and Vermiclitght.

I will also unhelpfully tell you, If you are going to use old buckets from around the house make sure you clean them real good and that there is no bleach resdue left on anything (old Mop Buckerts for exaple).

I am growing my mother plants in Hemps, I didn't menstion it to you as you said there was no way to get hydroponic meduims, so I asoomed you lived in the middle of noware. It is a very easy way to grow, you won't get the super explosive growth you would get in Ario or DWC, but if you are short on cash and what to dip your toes into the hydro stream it's a good place to start.

One thing. Don't let the fact that it seems complex put you off, it's really not. With indoor growing the more controle you have the better results you will get and with hydroponics you have more controle, the thing to remember is that you are now in controle of that part of the plants life and must remember to give it what it needs.

Hydro seems difficult at first but I think it's just beacuse your whole life you are told that plants grow in soil, so when you see plants growing in, rocks/water/even air the tendacy is to think that there is something real clever going on.

But really you are giving the roots what it needs, air/nutes and something to stop the from fooling over.


New Member
i do want to try the DWC method but now im seeing different versions of it, some more complex than others. my biggest questions are where are the air pumps placed? are they supposed to be submerged as to circulate the water or are they supposed to be above the h20 resv. so that the air goes up the roots directly?

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
i do want to try the DWC method but now im seeing different versions of it, some more complex than others. my biggest questions are where are the air pumps placed? are they supposed to be submerged as to circulate the water or are they supposed to be above the h20 resv. so that the air goes up the roots directly?

The air reaches the roots via the little bubbles that are created by the air stones that are attached to the end of the air pump.
- The air pump is hung up on the wall and the air line hose attaches to the front of the pump. You cut a long enough piece of air line hose to reach from the pump, to the bottom of your tank; then you put your air stone on the end of the air line hose. Once you fill the tank and cut on your air pump, you will see lots and lots of bubbles - each one carries a bit of air inside of it and that is how the air gets to the roots of your plants.

There is a different kind of pump that goes directly inside your DWC - it is a sub-mersible pump and the two pumps have different applications/functions within your hydroponic setup.
- The sub-mersible pump will circulate around your nukes, but it is mostly used to pump water/nukes up to your plants in an ebb&flo system OR used to pump water/nukes through tubes/PVC/hose that have sprayers attached in a DWC system - and when the pump is on, the roots are sprayed with water/nukes.

Here's a few more links...
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Step by step bubble cloner set up (good for newb cloners)
International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - ICMAG'S OFFICIAL ~DIY~ LINK-O-RAMA

And you could always just get Fletch to build one for you...

Hey Dude - this is not not rocket science. Just decide on a system and build it or buy it and get growing. You can try to keep rethinking everything, but until you build or run your first system; you're just spinning your wheels...

Good luck, hope some of this is helpful to you



New Member
thx www, another question, if i go w. a DWC method, how much root should be exposed to air? how will the roots that grow below the pots reach the water resv. if they do not find water? there's no drainage holes correct? do i assume that i raise the h2o resv. to just beneath the pots so that the tips of the new root growth just hits the water...then drop the level of the resv. if so how do i lower the resv. w/o drainage holes?

im sorry about these questions, i know it's not rocket science per say, but im a new grower and i just recently bought some really expensive seeds that i want to maximize yield and increase flowering time.

please understand your advice is GREATLY appreciated.

thx again.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
thx www, another question, if i go w. a DWC method, how much root should be exposed to air? how will the roots that grow below the pots reach the water resv. if they do not find water? there's no drainage holes correct? do i assume that i raise the h2o resv. to just beneath the pots so that the tips of the new root growth just hits the water...then drop the level of the resv. if so how do i lower the resv. w/o drainage holes?

im sorry about these questions, i know it's not rocket science per say, but im a new grower and i just recently bought some really expensive seeds that i want to maximize yield and increase flowering time.

please understand your advice is GREATLY appreciated.

thx again.

You fill the rez up to the top in the begining, so the plants are sitting in the water/nukes. The plants will soak-up/use a lot of water/nukes, so you will need to add water/just water a few times between rez changes.

Rez changing is exactly what it sounds like. You are going to dump the entire contents of your tank, using a kerosene syphon pump works great for me. Then you fill the tank up with new fresh water/nukes.

You need to change your rez atleast once every 2 weeks.

And hey, I am going to suggest that you forget about air. Plants are going to get air because just like for us, it is all around them. What the plants need from you is to give them nurishment/water/nukes.

I think you have gotten caught up on the whole "Air" thing and it is preventing you from moving forward in your research.

There is nothing blowing air onto your roots in these systems...

As the water in your rez gets used up, it is replaced by AIR, cause air is everywhere.

When you water your plant in a Hempy bucket, the water/nukes get used up and are replaced by air. The space in between the top of the plant, the part where there is just perilite and the bottom where the water/nukes are located - all have air in between them. Also, the space in between each little piece of perilite is air.

If you read the front of your bag of Miracle Grow Perilite - it saids "Improves Drainage & Aeration in potting mixes" - that means it helps air to circulate in the soil of your potted plants. So if you are growing in only Perilite, how could there ever be an issue with AIR?!

Please really read this thread so that you can understand what's going on with DWC https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/22362-30-minute-6-plant-aero.html

And Please really read this thread so that you can understand what's going on with Hempy Buckets https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/59705-hempy-collective.html

After that, you should be on your way! :mrgreen:



New Member
what u said first was right, i guess i was getting caught up in the air thing. ill just forget about that for now. one last question...in the 30min DWC method link you gave me, the guy incorporates a sprinkler system....i suppose this is to moisturize the roots that are in the "air" medium bw the pot and water resv., is this true? if so how important is it to keep those roots moist? is the sprinkler system an "extra" thing?

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
what u said first was right, i guess i was getting caught up in the air thing. ill just forget about that for now. one last question...in the 30min DWC method link you gave me, the guy incorporates a sprinkler system....i suppose this is to moisturize the roots that are in the "air" medium bw the pot and water resv., is this true? if so how important is it to keep those roots moist? is the sprinkler system an "extra" thing?
Yes, it is to keep constant water/nutes hitting the roots, but it also creates oxygen and aerates the water. He demostrates how to build the systems with sprayers, stick with sprayers; don't try to recreate his system with the pop-up sprinkler that is mentioned - UNTIL you build the one with the sprayers. That way you will better understand the workings of the system and what the plants need.

How important is it to keep the roots moist? Very, but you don't have to worry too much about it. As long as you are adding water to your system a couple of times a week and doing a total change once every 2 weeks, your roots with be fine. Also bear in mind that when water is being sprayed all around, it creates lots of moisture (like when you are in the shower, when you get out there is moisture on your sink, toilet and ofcourse your mirror) - so in that little confined space of the growing tub, there is plenty enough moisture for you plant's roots. Every time you open your system, you will see water/nukes all over the sides and top.

You can always ask Fletch to send you some pictures of how to do a system with the pop-up sprinkler, I'm sure he would be happy to do so.

You also can just use air stones/bubble strips or even just a piece of soaker hose (found at Walmart for about $7.00) attached to the end of your air hose with an 1/4 in elbow; instead of using sprayers or sprinklers. All things mentioned can be found at Home Depot and Walmart in the Garden Sections of those stores.

The complete cost of that system is like less that $20.00 and the best bet you will find anywhere!

If I were you, I would try it; hey wait a minute - that's right, I did build this system!!! ...lol

Dude, it's so easy a caveman can do it!!! Hit me back up, after you build a system or start your Hempy Bucket; I'm sure it will be fun to watch you grow...



New Member
np www, i bought some white widow X haze X skunk hybrid seeds. i bought 10 feminized seeds and ill def. post pics. i guess i actually need to visit the stores to see the actual pieces so i can easily visualize what's going on.

btw, i added to rep. bc you've been the most helpful person on this site to me and ive had over 200 posts. thanks again.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about some of the addvice you are getting.

I'm confsed and I know how to grow, DWC, Hempy, and understand the consepts of Ario and Ebb and Flow.


These two systems would be good for you.
Hempy is the cheapest and requres the least amount of equipment.

If you have some cash and spare time then DWC might be up your street.
To clear something up. DWC reaquers lots of air to be pumped into the water. I have 450LPH of air being pumped into the water in each one of my DWC buckets, these pumps must run all day and night.
The water level is left around 1" under the net pots, and it not nessacry to spray water on the roots, (Thats for airoponics) however it is important that the water level stays at 1" bellow the net pots and must be topped up every day.

I posted you a great guide to DWC, there is all the infomation you need in those two threads I posted. If you read them you should be able to get started.

However I think Hempy might be a better method for you as, you said money was an issue. Still read The hydro 101 thread. might still be worth reading the DWC thread too as it has good addive and will help you understand how these systems work.

Hope this helps, hope you plant is okay.


New Member
thx mr g.m, i will look back in this thread to find those links u posted. sometimes other threads seem overwhelming so i may come back w. other questions.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but I don't agee with everything WWW is saying.

There seems to be some confusion between DWC and Fletch's Airo set up.
I'm not saying WWW is wrong but I do not agree (or understand) with what WWW is saying.

I have shown you pics of my DWC grow, and I would like to think that I know what I am talking about when it comes to this type of growing, although I am only a biggner.

As for hempy, I am only lerning about this type of growing and have only just started using it. It seems very good though.

Any way, I suggest not just lissening to one person, as everyone has a different method. Look at what differnt people are doing and the results they are getting.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
np www, i bought some white widow X haze X skunk hybrid seeds. i bought 10 feminized seeds and ill def. post pics. i guess i actually need to visit the stores to see the actual pieces so i can easily visualize what's going on.

btw, i added to rep. bc you've been the most helpful person on this site to me and ive had over 200 posts. thanks again.

Thanks for the rep Vandula! And I love to help when I can. Hey years ago when I first started the people at Overgrow helped me step-by-step, thanks to them and their knowledge; I've never really had a bad grow.

I just got right in there and put together the ebb&flo that was suggested to me and everytime a problem would pop up; I would jump into the site or directly e-mail those that shared that info with me. You just got to get your hands 'dirty' a bit and your first grow will fly by. And with your 2nd grow, you'll be like - 'Why did I ever wait so long, so much money wasted buying pot!' ...lol

Those crosses sound sweet, can't wait to see your grow!



New Member
me too. i couldn believe my eyes when i saw they sold a strain w. WW and others like haze and skunk. im so amped. i bought 10 seeds, but splitting w. a friend. hopefully i wont have any issues monitoring 5 plants. the one i have growing now is a male, but is super healthy so at least i can feel like i have one good plant behind me. i think ill grow the male out so that i can collect the pollen and perhaps breed it w. a female so that i dont have to buy seeds.

should i research cloning? is there a point to make my own seeds? how long do seeds last? should i just grow two plants and save three "just in case"?

what would u do if you were me WWW?