What percentage of a female do you have from hermie seeds?


Active Member
Funny you should ask that. Last year I got some seedy pot
from a caregiver. A friend made some clones. They are all
female 6 out of 6. We had some concerns over a couple but
I saw no ball foramation on any..and checked constantly.
We have two style of plants as it is a savortooth/grapefruit
bubblegum hybrid. If I ever get the chance to do this right..
I will have good ventilation and use good clones or seeds.
We ended up with mold and mildew. Only two really doing
anything. They are just now turning a light tan and getting red
hairs. I donot have a jewelers glass..can you see the tricoms
with a magnifier. Mine isn't really strong. Also we have not had
a heavy skunky smell but there is definately a musky smell.
Is it possible to take a sample after we complete 6wks? I tried
the microwave method and it really reduced it. Also I got noth-
ing from the smoke.This is sativa and I read that it could take
8wks or as much as 12. What is the peak? We did not we need-
ed to go to 12/12 when they were 12-20inches. We have a cpl
over 3ft that we have netting around as the limbs are so thin.

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
theres no such thing as a hermie seed, a seed is a seed, a clone can be hermie/male/female
seeds only coem from hermis or pollenated females....sooo
if you ever bought schwag/regs/dirt weed, and it had seeds, its cuz it was hermi
buds wid seeds = hermies
buds wid no seeds = clean females
seeds=seeds, nothing else


Well-Known Member
Here in lies the confusion about hermies...

Although It seems that A hermie Plant that makes seeds would make Hermie seeds, This is not true.... well 99% almost

The seeds have a chance of being either Male or Female...

It is Life Exp of the Plant that will cause it too Hermie...

BUT... (and I hope I don't have this wrong) There is some genetic articulation on the subject that says that because the mother plant hermied, it may pass on some gentic info to it seeds that may PRE-DISPOSE them to hermie easier...

With the prevalence increasing down each generation of hermie seed from hermie Mother...

That last bit, ios highly debated though......


Well-Known Member
from what i have read there is some debate on feminized seeds whether they are a good thing for growing or not. i have also read that the seeds that come from hermied plants do not pass on the hermie trait in early generations but rather in later generations. i grew some bagseeds last year and most turned out female. one plant hermied in early flower because of light stress. only 1 bud seeded itself and i grew out these seeds in my current grow. they all turned out female, but i guess that could be coincidence. i will not be spreading these genes to anyone else so no one should worry about the hermie trait being spread into the gene pool.i also know that any info i have read may or may not be wrong so i am just speculating.


Well-Known Member
from what i have read there is some debate on feminized seeds whether they are a good thing for growing or not. i have also read that the seeds that come from hermied plants do not pass on the hermie trait in early generations but rather in later generations. i grew some bagseeds last year and most turned out female. one plant hermied in early flower because of light stress. only 1 bud seeded itself and i grew out these seeds in my current grow. they all turned out female, but i guess that could be coincidence. i will not be spreading these genes to anyone else so no one should worry about the hermie trait being spread into the gene pool.i also know that any info i have read may or may not be wrong so i am just speculating.
well this is what i got from a bunch of people(synthesized):

how they feminize seeds is they cut a female and apply this acid that in turn mutates the female to produce pollen...they then self pollinate the female and since all the genetic info from pollen to then seed is female. BOOM FEMALE SEEDS! but yes there is more of a chance for hermies due to the mutation. so im left with.....CLONES. going to just get a mother plant goin and clone that bitch. seems easiest way.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
yes Yes YES MOTHERS! they are the way to go man! Check out SOG method in growFAQ that shit gives me shivers! 108 colas in 4'x4' :)


Well-Known Member
well it for sure wouldnt be a good gene treait...and there is a such thing as a hermie seed the herm makes pollen like a male then seeds herself and others this seed was from a stressed dyke....so now her offspring(seed)have that in there genes....kind of like when doctors say "watch ypur suger intake young lad,ure family has a history of diabetis" get it...its in there genes it makes for i would say more fragile plants


Well-Known Member
Hermaphradism ISNT passed down through genetic traits..

it is caused by enviromental conditions....


Keep your enviroment PERfect and you will get males and females....


I Gurantee you cannot hand me a seed and tell me that no matter what I do it will hermie...

I would raise it perfect and have either a male or female....


Well-Known Member
Hermaphradism ISNT passed down through genetic traits..

it is caused by enviromental conditions....


Keep your enviroment PERfect and you will get males and females....


I Gurantee you cannot hand me a seed and tell me that no matter what I do it will hermie...

I would raise it perfect and have either a male or female....
well thanks. ill try and make em happy....hate when ur kids turn into HERMIES!


Active Member
Hey I was considering trying some fem TW for an outdoor op this summer. I'm curious if I got a hermi can I isolate it to produce seeds for next season? Would it produce the same traits as the original fem seeds?

Thanks, I'm definitely a feminized noob

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
isolating a male or hermi has gotta be pretty hard cuz that pollen can travel and pollenate shit miles away.

sweet avatar
rip jerry


Well-Known Member
If Sum1 Wouldve Told Iman It Was A Izim Ii Would Of Known It Could'nt Of Been Passed Down....ganjah Man Dont Deal With Izim Skizm....thank U For The In4


Active Member
hehe right on. But I've had no problems secluding a male and female less then a mile away from other females. I'm just curious if a hermi produces the same genetics as the original feminized seeds.. well I know there will be variation within the original seeds but is using next generation feminized seeds good practice?