What nutrients to get.


Well-Known Member
I don’t see ph problems ever. It simply never happens. Current grow is 30 days into flower and haven’t had to pull a leaf yet. Actually haven’t even begun to see the start of any yellowing or any deficiencies on a single leaf the whole grow. No burnt tips.


Well-Known Member
A bit stretched due to veg under hps but all is well. 2 gallon pots. Flipped at 33 days after sprout


Well-Known Member
A successful grow so far.
Not sure why it is turning purple???
This is Diesel, free seeds from a Seedsman order. 28 days of 12/12 and Canna(am using the Canna Aqua Flora line of nutes for the flowering process)
Gene likes tribus but i find it expensive.. on my 2 new plants i just used great white or whatever it's called (bad memory) and i had great results... would like to try tribus eventually though :)
What I am ordering is it correct.
I'll be using tap water.
So 5-12-26 Part A, 15-0-0 Part B, an what the last part I am missing. Epsom salt?
So 3g of Part A, 2g of Part B, an 1g of Epsom salt?


Well-Known Member
Coco is a fake medium too then. Weed doesn’t grow in coco in nature. Not sure what point you think you’re making. My base mix is 2 parts pro mix, 2 parts Epsoma potting soil, ten percent perlite and ten percent worm castings...lime. I add the bio tone from Epsoma. My mix is simple and Is teaming with microbial life.
Looking into this. Am now finishing my bottles of gh 3 part in promix, but I used to use miracle grow in soil.

Do you use the amounts of bio-tone on the package (2c per 5g pot)? Do you think the soil is necessary for the mix or will straight pro-mix work well? Does it last 4 months?