What movie are u watching whilst high?


Well-Known Member
yeah it wasnt great but ok. one of my favorites is shawn of the dead. i love the part when they all have to pretend to be zombies to get to the pub
Hell yeah dude sean of the dead stays true to Romero and is funny as hell:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
LOL! Yeah, I love Shaun Of The Dead! I have it and I ued to watch it every week. I like the scene in the bar when Queen is on the Jukebox! Lol!


New Member
today I watched a movie called homegrown with billy bob thorton and jaime lee curtis... it even has bon jovi smoking dubbies in it...lol... i havnt seen the last 20 mins of it but it seems like a pretty good movie.. its from 98..... netflix recomended it so i figured what the hell....


Active Member
you guys gotta watch
executive panda
and or
calamari wrestler
ajajaja one of the bests movies to watch high...
also check:
survive style 5+
very interesting asian movies


Well-Known Member
any film by alejandro jodorowski. Chilean film director, actor, composer and mime whos films include El Topo and The holy Mountain. I watch them high but I would never watch it frying. Ive watched Natural born Killers on mushrooms and that toatally warped my brain but I love watching it stoned out of my mind at midnight. And pink floyd The Wall.


Well-Known Member
The Life Aquatic, that is one of the only movies I have never seen, lol! I have lost in translation on hd, and i seen the darjiling limited, but never that, is it good?


Well-Known Member
lost in translation in 1 of my favorites fo sho. i love at the end when theyre saying bye to each other and he says "Aren't you gonna wish me a good fright?" i laugh my ass off everytime


Well-Known Member
dude, i saw wall-e i was geekin in the theaters. ahhaha i loved that movie because i was high as hell and all into it


Active Member
wes anderson films-
life aquatic
the royal tenembaums
darjeeling limited..
always good movies man.


Well-Known Member
darjeeling limited is just one of those great films man, it's sure to be a classic, Adrien Brody and Owen Wilson are great in it.


Well-Known Member
The Life Aquatic, that is one of the only movies I have never seen, lol! I have lost in translation on hd, and i seen the darjiling limited, but never that, is it good?
Its awsome, one of my all time favorites. Its weird though. I find that people that are into David Bowie tend to like the movie. His music is played heavily throughout but I think its the attraction to things that are a bit odd that bowie fans have in common with people that dig this movie. Bill Murry is a funny mofo too. At the end of my 'vacation' (some might call it a trip), I once watched the end to this movie and shed a tear at its beauty.