What might be causing this ?


Well-Known Member
these 3 plants have been treated no different then the other .

all iv done so far is water them when needed

well i did give them a little superthrive last week hoping to get a growth spert or something , hell idk iv never ed used the stuff before

but that was it .

but idk why the plant on the left looks druppy like that .

all 3 are n.l`s , and my other plants look fine also

its just this 1 on the left

any thoughts on what might be causing this ?


Looks like too much water.. When plants are droopy lots of times they are telling you that the moisture content is too wet/dry. Got drain holes in your containers?


Well-Known Member
Looks like too much water.. When plants are droopy lots of times they are telling you that the moisture content is too wet/dry. Got drain holes in your containers?
iv given them all the same amount of water when i water them though ,

but its not exact , so yea maybe that one could of gotten a little more


Well-Known Member
Over watering and it doesn't matter if you give them the same amount every plant is different and they all have a different intake only give them water when needed and just enough to get the soil moist and make sure you have drainage holes in the bottom also adding perilite might help.


Well-Known Member
Over watering and it doesn't matter if you give them the same amount every plant is different and they all have a different intake only give them water when needed and just enough to get the soil moist and make sure you have drainage holes in the bottom also adding perilite might help.
i do my man ,

and i wait till its almost bone dry before i water them , and just till it starts draining out from the bottom


Well-Known Member
Well if you don't think it is overwatering then it could be root rot which would be worse.


Well-Known Member
Well if you don't think it is overwatering then it could be root rot which would be worse.
im hoping that i did just give it to much water ,

they got a little water today when i transplanted them into those pots

so i wont water again till its dry then i wont give it as much water when i do and see how it works out .


Active Member
If you just transplanted them than that could be the issue. Plant tend to go through a bit of shock when transplanted I wouldn't worry too much about it she should bounce back. Good luck with those Northern lights and enjoy.


Well-Known Member
If you just transplanted them than that could be the issue. Plant tend to go through a bit of shock when transplanted I wouldn't worry too much about it she should bounce back. Good luck with those Northern lights and enjoy.
yes i know my man ,

but it was looking like that before i transplanted it


Active Member
how small was the pot it was in before? if it was in a small shallow pot, it could just be showing some stress because its tap root was restricted. it looks healthy otherwise, i wouldn't worry until you see more of an issue. it will probably perk up in a couple days. i love superthrive, but it doesnt really do much except help plants recover from stress and provide some vitamins and minerals. i find it has the most effect if you use it after a plant has wilted, been transplanted or been pruned. be careful with it, a drop or two per gallon is plenty.