What method for 4x4 tent


Active Member

so i have 4x4x6 tent. if my target was the highest yield of the tent while considering topping and stressing.

im planting autoflower seeds

I’m purchasing:
- 1000w led king
- 6” ac infinity t6

How many pots, pot size, plants per pot?

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Well-Known Member
First off that light isn't nearly enough to flower a 4x4 space, its probably ok for 2x2ft at most, its only a 185w light.

You would want 4 of them to light your tent properly and I wouldn't want to send the money on 4 of them when I could just put a cheap 600w hps in there.

Autoflowers are not my bag, although you can get great yields from them you have little control over what they give you in comparison to photo period plants.

However if you want a better idea of plant numbers to fill your tent with autos try the auto flower section.

Personally I would go with photo periods, 4 plants in 5-7 gal pots and veg as long as it takes to create a nice even canopy and then flower them.
If you want a quicker turn around then 9 plants in 3 gal pots.

I know that doesn't answer your question but least your not going to be disappointed using way less light than you need.


Well-Known Member
First some simply arithmetic
You have 72" in height, less about 12" for pots, less another 12" for the light(s) and air space above them, less another 12" between the light and the canopy ... so 72-36 leaves you roughly 36" for your plants.
Now about (good quality) autos ... they're nice to grow but they're not the same as photos. If you haven't grown them before, they need to be started in the pot they'll finish in. Disrupting the roots in the first few weeks has a significant negative effect on the plants. Using something like Rapid Rooters in the center of the pot works well.
Because of the way the start out with more root development than visible plant, you really don't get to top most strains more than once.
Most reputable breeders will give you a height estimate for the strain and some will tell you how many per square meter to maximize yield. LST and scrog are good techniques for taller strains and SOG works well for smaller varieties.


Well-Known Member
Most of my research was to purchase LED lights for higher yield. You say HPS? so how many watts for a 4x4 with 4 plants would you recommend?
Ideally 1000W HPS or at least a 600W HPS.
For LEDs
are representative of the type (not necessarily the brand) of light you should be looking at


Well-Known Member
Most of my research was to purchase LED lights for higher yield. You say HPS? so how many watts for a 4x4 with 4 plants would you recommend?
600W seems to be pretty common for HPS in a 4x4. For LED, you want to go with 480W (for higher quality diodes), and you would need even more than that if you went with that type of King LED light you mentioned.


Well-Known Member
id go for two 400 watt hps make sure to get good sized reflectors thats for hps for led i would do either a 480 or get a 600 get and cut the heat sink in half and have two separate fixtures on one driver. just the simple way 480.