What medium to use????


Active Member
I am growing indoors not hydro I was wondering wat type of medium I should use I am going to use Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and Big Grow. Looking for something easy to control but works well any suggestions would be appreciated. Thx..


Well-Known Member
Have you considered a Hempy Bucket with Pearlite and/or Turface as the medium? I've had pretty good luck with it and I have 4 brown thumbs. Only reason I'm growing is I cant find nobody to sell me some which is worth a flip. I think that deal about current dope being stronger than what was available in the 60's-70's is a bunch of hooey. If there is some good strong dope out there somewhere in the world I can't find it.


Well-Known Member
i would try either coco or a soilless mix because most use coco in soilless mixes. The reason i say go with something with coco in it because coco gives a ton of room for roots and is very controllable IMO. I have use fox farm ocean forest and that was awesome but im liking this soiless mix better. A good soiless mix is pro-mix. it is also cheaper then Foxfarm.


Well-Known Member
Its basically, and dont quote me, but i think its the coco hairs/fibers from cocnuts. Its very light and leaves a ton of room for roots. Its very cheap. You use it like soil in containers. I would give it a try.

Also someone above mentioned Hempy buckets which are a cheap way to do hydro. Bassically you get a bucket, drill a hole 2 inches from the bottom. Fill it with a mix of perlite and vermaculite, and then you fill the bottom with water so below the hole is water.


Active Member
so basically what ur saying is that coco is just a soiless mix that I can use from start to finish. dont have to add anything to it but nutes. also would I be able to use the fox farm products that I already have tiger bloom and big grow?


Well-Known Member
yea its a soiless mix as well. Treat it like your using soil. Youll be fine with those nutes altho i would recommend getting big bloom, and the 3 micro nutes, Beastie Bloomz, cha ching, and open seasame. I used those nutes once and i had great results. Be careful the micro nutes are strong!