What Makes You Believe In Something Supernatural?


Well-Known Member
Supernatural - something that cannot be tested or measured in the natural realm of existence we occupy with modern tools.

Examples would be demons, ghosts, God, the Devil, etc.

Stuff that is impossible to have proof for.

What makes you believe it exists?


Something that might make me believe in ghosts would be objects flying around a room defying gravity or other physical activities that clearly cannot be explained conventionally. I haven't experienced anything even remotely like this, so I stand by my disbelief.

It would have to be something VERY obvious for me. I don't like the idea of trying to guess whether minute evidence is worth believing in.


Well-Known Member
Why would objects flying around a room make you believe it was ghosts?

How do you go from 1. Objects flying.. 2. ?? .. 3. Ghosts


Well-Known Member
ha,,well what else would pick up objects and chuck them around the room other than ghost? MY EX....

but on a more serious note,, I think that its an envriomental influance through adulesance(excuse spelling mistakes) that either allows or makes some one more prone to beliivng in supernatural forces ,,but people can go from not beliving and to beliving and vise versa after a 'experiance' of so called supernatural forces, so I think your more prone to think ghost or not as the case may be.

But to answer your question,,Prove they dont exist....?....... In my view I dont know if there is or isnt,,I used to live (childhood) on a farm in the perthshire hills in Scotland,,this farm house was quite grand and was originally an old Inn,,on the road from perth to Kinross(not that those places mean anything to anyone) but anyhow I will continue, this old road was one of our farm tracks and not the modern tarmaced public road. Now we had a the stockman(shepard)'s wife clean for my folks once a week, she left one winter afternoon to walk the 1/4mile or less home, and she came screaming back down the driveway scream she heard horse hoofs. Turned to see a horse and rider galloping away up the farm track,,,,Now we didnt have horses,,No one round us had any horse(we have alot of ragwort in scotland) yet she heard hoves and saw this horseman!!!!! no lies....and we know from documentation (and the old inn Lodger book thingy ) that Bonnie Prince Charlie passed along this road after his defeat in the Jacobite revolt!!!!

Not to bore you but,,now a second story,,I have quite a few like this,, I was out on the farm,,My 1 year younger Brother we woulda been 10-11,,was in the house with my mum upstairs IN his room sorting it out. They heard a glass smash so went to investigate,,,she went in the Kitchen and a single glass was next to the skin,but was shatterd into a pile on top of the bottom of the glass which was still whole. It was as if someone had squashed the top and then piled it back onto the bottom,,,I dont think anyone could expalin that.

Also when we(me and me bro) were alot younger under 5,,he wouldnt sleep in his room at all,,my farther and Mum asked and he said cause they keep paying with my toys,,whos they would ask but he would just say them,,,,,Now this freaked my mum out,,so he moved into the room next to me,,theres 10 bedrooms in this house..we found out that the room he was in was the old storeroom and soo use to have an elevated door(like in a grain drier) and in the documents it says of how a young girl was killed when a falling from this door!!!
..Now not only him but when I moved to the big city,My mum lived at the farm,split from my dad, but her sister and husband moved up to the farm and He worked on the farm,,anyhow long story short she had a kid,,,some 3-4 years later,,he is in the main house with my mum,,in her room,,she holding him/carring him,so hes looking over her shoulder,,he looks at her then at the doorway,and ask my mum whos that man in the red? she spins,,no ones there?,,he has span so is looking at the doorway,and starts to wave,,my mum freaks out,,calls my antie frm the phone,,scared to go through the door.

So all this has happend,,I have been there when I was in my teens and going to the bathroom at night would freak me out,,abit of a walk down the corridor and you would either hear the floorboard round the corner creek while you arnt moving,,you would be standing peeing and you know that feeling that your beening watched,,it feels like that constantly, after we sold the house the next owners couldnt take it and sold within 6 months!!!!! The documentation we have got on the house was actually composed by a local teacher and sent to us,,so we read all this buff,,and find there has been 3 fires,killing 4 in all,2 murders and a disappearnce,ranging from 1606(the house is actually about 50years older and was orginallly the hunting/game lodge of the Clan Oliphant(excuse my spelling on that.)

Now these are kinda unexplainable............and pretty freaky...
I dont know if there is or isnt but one thing I know is I get goosebumps just thinking bout some of the nights I spent in that house, family members and freinds wouldnt stay as they were sure it was haunted,,
Make of that what you will,,

Take it easy


Active Member
I believe there is some KIND of god. Why? Because stuff exists.
(But I'm not saying God is a being, I'm not saying he made humans - we might be a sideeffect of stuff (the universe) - so my god is simply the birth of stuff).


Well-Known Member
The "natural realm of existence" cannot be fully measured with modern tools. Thoughts and emotions exist, and the only tool we have of accurately measuring and quantifying these are the mind. This is also true of things that are purely psychic or spiritual.

How do I know they exist? Because I've experienced them.


Active Member
The "natural realm of existence" cannot be fully measured with modern tools. Thoughts and emotions exist, and the only tool we have of accurately measuring and quantifying these are the mind. This is also true of things that are purely psychic or spiritual.

How do I know they exist? Because I've experienced them.
You experience a lot during dreaming... this is just one reason experience is NOT enough to prove (or know) something.

The problem is that when we speak absolute truths, NOTHING can be fully proven. Science cannot even prove that people are conscious. We BELIEVE we are conscious because experience tells us we are thinking (=conscious), but it's impossible to prove your friend is conscious too. This means I cannot prove to anybody that I am conscious, I can only say I am because of experience. Proves nothing.
But this is real black and white, and not practical limitations of science.

Emotions are nothing special (they rise from the unconscious part of the mind, which is why we sometimes feel powerless over emotions), some of them can be measured today, but very crudely (brainscanning for example, can show when people are upset - an emotion).


Well-Known Member
You experience a lot during dreaming... this is just one reason experience is NOT enough to prove (or know) something.

The problem is that when we speak absolute truths, NOTHING can be fully proven. Science cannot even prove that people are conscious. We BELIEVE we are conscious because experience tells us we are thinking (=conscious), but it's impossible to prove your friend is conscious too. This means I cannot prove to anybody that I am conscious, I can only say I am because of experience. Proves nothing.
But this is real black and white, and not practical limitations of science.

Emotions are nothing special (they rise from the unconscious part of the mind, which is why we sometimes feel powerless over emotions), some of them can be measured today, but very crudely (brainscanning for example, can show when people are upset - an emotion).
also hallucinating on drugs would be another experience that seems VERY real at the moment, but in reality it doesnt exist. by saying experience=proof, that would mean those demons you see in hallucinations are real. i guess he would make the point that theyre in some other dimension or something

wouldnt throwing a ball at your friend show you that he is concious? if he reacts to the outside world by seeing the ball, tracking it with his eyes, and catching it, id say he has a consciousness.

jimmy jones

Active Member
Ok so I never belived til this happened. My buddy owns a cabin on 40 acres and there is an abandonded train tunnel. We like to visit it late at night (2am) just to dick around. Just above the entrance is a whatcha call it to hang fuckers from. So its said the tunnel is haunted. Yeah yeah yeah haunted my ass. Well one night having been in the tunnel a hundred times we went down and my dog(who has also been thru a hundred times) refused to enter. We went in anyway and about half way through both our flashlights cut out at the same time. While trying to adjust to the dark I feel a shove and fall flat on my back in some nasty ass puddle. My buddy swears to this day he never touched me ( I had accused him of pushing me.) Afterwards my phone wouldn't work, ciggs were soaked and so was my sack. The next day my phone came on like nothing had happed but the only button to work was 6. Tried to dial text ect and all I got was a bunch of 6s. 666 is all it would do. I know it sounds crazy but I swear on my kids this happened. To this day I firmly believe that tunnel is haunted.


Well-Known Member
You experience a lot during dreaming... this is just one reason experience is NOT enough to prove (or know) something.

The problem is that when we speak absolute truths, NOTHING can be fully proven. Science cannot even prove that people are conscious. We BELIEVE we are conscious because experience tells us we are thinking (=conscious), but it's impossible to prove your friend is conscious too. This means I cannot prove to anybody that I am conscious, I can only say I am because of experience. Proves nothing.
But this is real black and white, and not practical limitations of science.

Emotions are nothing special (they rise from the unconscious part of the mind, which is why we sometimes feel powerless over emotions), some of them can be measured today, but very crudely (brainscanning for example, can show when people are upset - an emotion).

So what are you getting at?

You just provided another example to what I was saying - Dreams exist too, and we can't measure them with modern tools, either.


Well-Known Member
the MOST BRILLIANT people in the world barely use 12 to 13% of their brain matter.

THOSE with what is considered "Supernatural" abilities, are not Supernatural at all, but just able to utilize percentages of their brain, most of humanity has lost the link within ourselves to utilize.

seeing demons while on a Halucinagen, may be that, a fleating thought, But what if the halucinagen actually allowed your Mind to open a part of it that is usually dormant, and in doing so, allowed your mind to see another version of reality, or maybe another demension of reality, even hell if you will? or if your seeing angles, maybe heaven?

i believe we are ALL connected in Life. If it is Alive, can be alive, was alive but is no longer alive as we define the word ALIVE, then as a living or once livingbeing, we have a connection to it.


Well-Known Member
the MOST BRILLIANT people in the world barely use 12 to 13% of their brain matter.

THOSE with what is considered "Supernatural" abilities, are not Supernatural at all, but just able to utilize percentages of their brain, most of humanity has lost the link within ourselves to utilize.

seeing demons while on a Halucinagen, may be that, a fleating thought, But what if the halucinagen actually allowed your Mind to open a part of it that is usually dormant, and in doing so, allowed your mind to see another version of reality, or maybe another demension of reality, even hell if you will? or if your seeing angles, maybe heaven?

i believe we are ALL connected in Life. If it is Alive, can be alive, was alive but is no longer alive as we define the word ALIVE, then as a living or once livingbeing, we have a connection to it.

That whole "we only use 10% of our brains" axiom has been disproven with the advent of the FMRI. We don't use much more than that at any given instant, but MOST regions of the brain have been mapped and shown to be utilized and active during different situations.

Also, if you're seeing angles, you're more likely looking at a protractor or a geometry book than looking into heaven.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
for me it was having my own experiece....and good thing my brother was there or it woulda been one of those things nobody belived. ever since then im not a skeptic to the supernatural. so i say it does happen, just not to everyone maybe. concrete evidence? no but i know what i saw and so did my brother. some things just arent easily explained therefore shouldnt be discredited right away. i have an open mind about alota things in this world. simple fact is we as humans think we know everything and most are clodes minded to the fact weerd shit happens lol


Active Member
Padawan, I see by your recent posts you must be searching. There is in all things a certain essence that makes it lets say "happen". A seed grows, it can set for years and then all of a sudden it begins it life. Conception, a child is started. The planets orbit and move through the universe. What is on the otherside of the universe. All unanswered questions, all crying out, that something has control. Everything has a start. Or is it that we are just not intelligent enough to answer these questions. I think not, but that is my opinion. I hope you find what you are searching for. Good Luck


Active Member
also hallucinating on drugs would be another experience that seems VERY real at the moment, but in reality it doesnt exist. by saying experience=proof, that would mean those demons you see in hallucinations are real. i guess he would make the point that theyre in some other dimension or something

wouldnt throwing a ball at your friend show you that he is concious? if he reacts to the outside world by seeing the ball, tracking it with his eyes, and catching it, id say he has a consciousness.
A non-conscious robot looking like a human could catch that ball, just like Data in Star Trek.
By your logic you have proven Data is conscious if he caught the ball, but it (he) is not. It's a machine.

But my point was, you cannot PROVE another human being is self-conscious (or a another word: self-aware) - by scientific methods.
We "know" other people are conscious only because we ourselves feel like we are conscious. But is it simply an assumption we make.

Think of the movie bladerunner, the robots behaved and looked 99.9999% like humans, and the main character's job was to find them - which was hard.
All the talks of robots looking exactly like humans was not my intention to talk about, and is not the issue here. It's to help understand.

I know this sounds weird, it's not something people think about, it's all about philosophy.

edit: English is not my native language. And I'm not sure "conscious" means exactly what I think, maybe self-aware is better.