What makes the crystal


Well-Known Member
what do you mean she doesnt know what to do? If its got white crystals all over it that is called THC and if its got some red-amber hairs to it it is close to being chopped down and smoked. Yea read on google, type in how to grow weed indoors or wherever your growing it.
hope I helped


Well-Known Member
you dont make the crystals, leave that to the plant, please dude not trying to be rude but read up on google just to get a general understanding of how this plant works.
good luck


Well-Known Member
please, for the sake of our sanity, use REAL WORDS. this isnt a GD text message.
also punctuation. periods (.), commas (,)?
I totally agree , Im new here .. but I browesed around quite a bit until I found this board . This bored seems to be filled with people who know what they are doing , respectful and for the most part I can read what they are saying .. I'd kinda like to keep it that way lol.

Long story short , be nice .
and If we cant read it , we cant help ! =D


Well-Known Member
wow please stop pllllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeeeeeee! It cant be a week old and getting da white on it.... that might be your mom throwing rat poison on it...!!!! omfg i wanna kill myself after reading this shit!


Well-Known Member
ok crystals only form in thee flowering period of ur plant to start the flowering period switch ut lights to 12 hrs on 12 hrs off. simply put


Well-Known Member
In the first reply I gave you a link to probably 30 different video's any of which would tell you 100x more than you know right now. Yet even after that you still say you can't find info????



Well-Known Member
Dis dude jus b stra8 ratarded yo n0 chanc o growin a plant 2 budz yo.

Get it man!! This is how you sound! We should help you learn english, then teach you about MJ