What makes a great grower?

no clue

Well-Known Member
So..what are the qualities that make the difference between mediocre growing and those that can really get er done? Is it in the set-up? Or how the grow is executed? Choosing the right genetics? There are a large number of folks on here that are obviously really, really good. ( and a few that maybe aren't). Don't be shy:hump:

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
Common sense. With indoor, you are just trying to replicate nature at it's best. Too many people over think the shit. While books and the internet are a great tool for learning, sometimes looking out a window and getting in tune with your surroundings can be just as effective.


Well-Known Member
Lots of research combined with trial and error over time is what separates the gold from the dross growers.

When I first started, I treated weeds like orchids...now I abuse them somewhat.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
use extremely expensive unnecessary nutrients
pluck all the leaves off
flush with water last 2 weeks
hang around riu and preach these things.

oh, wait, it's the exact opposite,lol


Active Member
Flexibility, experimentation, knowing when you're wrong. Being able to read the plants is also pretty important.


Well-Known Member
In a way I am going to be patting my own back, but ah well.

In my area I am the grower everyone else tries to emulate. I am known (by those who have no idea who I am) as the Professor and everyone loves the Professor's bud. A few growers who I am close to, who actually know what I do and how I do it, try to follow my grows step by step. They will grow the same strain, use the exact same soil mixtures, give the same nutrients, etc. etc. And never does anyone else's come out anywhere close to mine. Not even close.

In truth, I can't even begin to break down what the difference is, if I could I would explain it to my buddies so they could get the same results. I just don't know. There is more to growing than measurements.

I personally feel like it is just in my blood. I come from generation upon generation upon generation of farmers. As far back as my lineage traces, nothing but farmers. Growing is just in my blood and MJ is the pinnacle.


Well-Known Member
Flexibility, experimentation, knowing when you're wrong. Being able to read the plants is also pretty important.
I think being able to read the plants is the most important thing.... Imo that's where at least 95% of the problems come in,, they read a chart instead of their plants.
They'll let you know what they need and when they need it in plenty of time for you to adjust, IF you can read the plants..


Well-Known Member
Detailed...details...being detail orientated.... Being a detail oriented person, in all your life's activities...
A high [no pun intended] level of common sense...
Experience in growing something other than MJ...

In So Cal... I had Orchids in the kitchen sun room...
I had a 50' Coastal Redwood tree growing in my front yard...
I tried and succeeded in growing some endangered species plant that was purported to only grow in desert...in my back yard...
If you have grown plants for fun, before, than you should be fine...
So why not MJ... I tried outdoor growing and it was a five year learning curve...8' plants were my norm...

If you have never grown anything.... And MJ is your first plant you have grown...
Good F/N Luck....
Quit reading now, and go buy some sheiot.


Well-Known Member
I see so far nobody has mentioned "luck". But in addition those who have open minds and are willing to listen reach their goal of being a good grower sooner than those who come on here with an opinion or belief that simply want you to confirm it.


Well-Known Member
KISS...Keep It Simple Stupid

Don't over love the plants

it's that easy
I agree and disagree with this statement.

If you KISS then you have very little curve. You wont make any big mistakes, but you wont make any big leaps either.
The more experimenting/tweaking you do, the more that curve changes. You can end up with something super, or you can screw up and end up with bullshit.
I recommend KISS for new growers, even so far as to suggest using easily accessible Miracle Grow products. Once they are completing grows with KISS, then I start showing them other ways to improve.


Well-Known Member
first thing you need is a little bit ok knowledge in plant biology and what makes them grow. then you need $$ because the right equipment is expensive.....not the other way around. (the expensive equipment is the right equipment is the pitfall alot of new growers fall into)

you have to have good genetics
you have to have patience
and you have to have quality soil

i have seen people who know nothing about marijuanna cultivation have extremely great grows, and i have seen people who have read every book fuck it up..

i cant stress enough on how important it is to learn basic plant biology.....best way to do that is to pick up a cheap out of date used biology textbook and read it.

after that you need to do research.....figure out your enviorment and tune it in.....a great grow is patient, intelectual and knows what he is doing through research and experience.

a bad grower is hasty, ill informed and too dumb and lazy to try and learn..that mixed with inexperience spells disaster.....my 2¢