What made you really start growing?


Well-Known Member
Well besides the one we don't want to hear "I need to make money" what made you really start growing? I mean what took you from 1-2 plants in your closet to a full grow room(s), or a full grow production? Was it the passion of growing? was it because you have a lot of mooching friends? was it because you like to give the best holiday gifts? Tell us any wild and fun stories about when you started growing. lets hear it folks. :peace:


Active Member
i started mj is getting expensive and kind of hard 2 find in my area especially when you young. so i just thought why not grow my own, but until mine is finished I'll be buying these skimpy ass sacks


Well-Known Member
i started because:

1: i love gardening but don't have land

2:i love weed but hate to buy it

3:i want to smoke the best weed in the world,but i don't live in amsterdam.

4:things are much better when you make it yourself which is why i have grown mushrooms cactus and a few other things as well



Well-Known Member
well i like weed already and we usually in the summer get high and fuck off and plant some seeds and just let the do what they do. but never did anything worth a fuck mostly males and this year i had one plant to make it tall and strong so i started researching on budding and what i could do to help it and its one bad ass harvest i must say i have been offered 500 dollars for a masion jar and turned it down then again thats over an ounce that i couldnt smoke myself. so i have a few growing to i can get out of hustling pot just to smoke for free and some measly gas and food money wich actually comes in handy


Well-Known Member
I grew my first sprout at age 12, after I bought my first bag of weed. because I said, why the fuck not?! I got a seed, lets grow some weed!!!
but it didnt work out, and I tried to grow all the time, and once I really started smoking I said fuck it man, I got to do this. not because I didnt have enough money, or weed, but just because I love weed, and wanted to grow something I can enjoy a whole lot more than tomatoes.... the way I look at it is that WE grow Feelings :) :D how cool is that?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
thats really what made you start growing??? had you not found RIU you wouldnt be growing now?!


Well-Known Member
thats really what made you start growing??? had you not found RIU you wouldnt be growing now?!
Probably not....I thought about growing but had no idea how to....I looked up some info on Google...Found RIU...The rest is history


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have smoked weed for many years, buying it from the same guy, lol. I also have been gardening for years too, roses are my favorite, and I have been very succesful with them. So I decided why not try it, to see if I could even grow decent weed. Low and behold I can. I guess I have a green thumb. I have yet to grow the buds that I like to smoke, but practise makes pefect. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I started to grow because I needed something to need me.

I grew weed because...well, I hate buying it, and I love smoking it. It grows quickly, so it keeps me interested, and you can feel like you're doing something productive. Because you can smoke bud, but what the hell can you do with flowers??


Well-Known Member
really FDD?!?! no why did you really start growing? I'd be interested to know... I like to know as much as I can about my prey... I mean... my... ... friends... yea friends :P

I think RIU is what made me start growing indoors... ... but I dont rememeber... I think it was though...


Well-Known Member
I started growing because i found some seeds in my weed once. I guess the fact that weed is so pricey and can be hard to find at times and is not always how i like it had a big contribution to. Thanks you RIU!