What kind of weed do you want?


New Member
Anything besides schwag-shwag Mystic Mountain Mystery Herb.

Trips out to Mind Space are enjoyable.

Never before have I knowingly enjoyed a certified strain.
Anything besides schwag-shwag Mystery Mystic Mountain Herb.
I'm not sure what OG is, but I'll google it. In general, I would assume that people want something to have a fun time with, instead of high thc count, narcotic wheel chair type. I really don't want to grow something that would cause someone to "bad trip" are have an anxiety/panic attack. On the other hand, I guess some people want the strongest they can get with little investment. If you come accross some bud that isn't to your liking, would you stop growing it? I guess I'm trying to find out if pot growers are connaisseur. If possible, would someone rather the same bud and stick with it? or something different every once in a while.


Active Member
For me, it depends on my mood and time of the day. I prefer the sativas in the mourning, hybrids as the day goes on, and indicas at night.

If i had to pick 1 strain to smoke for the rest of my life, I'd have to grab my jar of Jack Herer and run with it. Jack just makes me happy, optimistic and outgoing. I'm looking forward to crossing this strain in the future just for kicks.
For me, it depends on my mood and time of the day. I prefer the sativas in the mourning, hybrids as the day goes on, and indicas at night.

If i had to pick 1 strain to smoke for the rest of my life, I'd have to grab my jar of Jack Herer and run with it. Jack just makes me happy, optimistic and outgoing. I'm looking forward to crossing this strain in the future just for kicks.
How much odor does jack make? I agree that happy is good. Can you force it into early flowering? Is it a good producer?


Well-Known Member
Always an OG. Best strain ever.
aww, i smoked some OG kush at school today and i was stoned like a noobie toker, so bomb!

I'm not sure what OG is, but I'll google it. In general, I would assume that people want something to have a fun time with, instead of high thc count, narcotic wheel chair type. I really don't want to grow something that would cause someone to "bad trip" are have an anxiety/panic attack. On the other hand, I guess some people want the strongest they can get with little investment. If you come accross some bud that isn't to your liking, would you stop growing it? I guess I'm trying to find out if pot growers are connoisseur. If possible, would someone rather the same bud and stick with it? or something different every once in a while.
i like to think of myself as a marijuanna conosour as well, i get around as far as bud types go

personally, if i had the choice, id smoke only kind bud instead of low or top shelf

OG means Ocean Grown, not sure what that implys but the real OGKush must have been grown on a coast to earn that name

How much odor does jack make? I agree that happy is good. Can you force it into early flowering? Is it a good producer?
jach harer is not an autoflower strain, so the only way to force flower is to change the light scheduale to 12/12 and flower like most typicall plants

according to seedbank reviews(i never grew the herer) it should be a stron yielder, but who would say it was a week yielder if they wanted to sell you the seeds
Homegrown awesome shit!
I think that growing specialty bud would be much more appreciated than low or high as you say. At least that's what I'm learning with Q&A and research. I don't want to clone all the time, but I think people don't appreciate seeds in their bud. I could be wrong though. Northern lights is what I'm swaying to right now.