What kind of soil is best to use?


Active Member
I just purchased the cheapest bag of top soil? will that be ok or should i get something else. I will be growing with some hydro seeds that were found in some good dank. Thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
get some perlite at the least. about 10-30% will do. it will improve drainage.

any nutes in the soil?


Well-Known Member
get a ph tester. the reusable ones are about 8 bucks. check the ph of the soil to make sure its the right ph. if it is then its probably fine. Im using miracle grow and my plants are growing like champs only 11 days in now. a lot of people will advise against MG but forr me access to the more quality soil is about 1 hour away and not worth the gas just for dirt. a lot of people have grown just fine in mg.

also make sure you mix it with pearlite whatever soil you use. pearliate is cheap. i got a huge bag for like $5. i did 80% soil/20% pearlite.


Well-Known Member
Topsoil is often too dense with too much clay for MJ. Also, the bags are rarely sterilized so pathogens and insects are common. ProMix is fantastic, and much better to use than topsoil. It is also less expensive than Fox Farm and you can get much larger bags.

Also, adding %10 perlite, %10 worm castings, %10 washed builders/all purpose sand and Espoma Plant-Tone to the mix will give you an amazing grow. These materials are pretty cheap and easy to find.

Mine are growing like weeds in the stuff and flushing is easier due to the increased drainage. It's more work to mix the soil but that preparation will give you a much easier, faster and better grow. The Plant-Tone is not necessary but I love the stuff and its cheap.

When using soil, preparation is everything. Spend a little more now and have far fewer headaches later on.


Active Member
thanks i wish i'd have asked before i went and bought the stuff. o well it was only 1.77 for the bag of dirt. ill have to go get some of the stuff u guys are talking about and transfer my plants to that. i just built my rubbermade set up today and ill be posting pics tommorow. i haven't put the ventilation in it yet but i will be soon. ill be creating a grow journal tommorow as well to get some more input. but thanks a lot

i also had a question about my lighting. i bought 4 x cfl 23 watts, and then 2 x sunlight 26 watt lights as well. is that good enough to start or wat other cfl's should i buy? thanks


Active Member
Happy Frog, or Oceans Forest.... Both of these soils are HIGH in bat guano, Worm Castings, perlite, Humic acid, Oyster shell, and dolomite lime(for pH adjustment).