What kind of smokeless tobacco should i get


Well-Known Member
If u must I recommend chew not dip. it tastes better and does not get stuck in ur teeth. Levi Garret is good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU'ers

Check out this site im working on GOSNUS - all about smokeless tobacco . Site needs members, so if your interested please sign up!


Active Member
Yea, don't start chewing if you ever want to get laid again...

Snus is a pretty good alternative, but it's still fairly gross.

I don't understand why it's 2010 and we still haven't figured out how to get a nicotine buzz without also getting cancer...


Well-Known Member
I smoked cigarettes for 30+ years and have to say nicotine is a worthless drug(its actually an insecticide). I smoked 2 packs a day and quit without blinking an eye. Do yourself a favor , just say no to nicotine.


Well-Known Member
Cant believe nobody has mentioned this yet, but can you not wait til your break and have a cigerette..
chewing tobacco is disgusting and as another poster said in this thread you wouldnt rub nicotine round your knob why would you
let it round your toungue gums etc.. its your choice at the end of the day