What Kind of Pots?!

Little more pricey with the air pots it's impossible to get root bound and the usual swirling of roots at the bottom which turn into slow growth.
nice i like that! so would i need less container then?
THey are overpriced and they dry out. Get the fabric pots they are cheap cheap and they are amazing with a living soil system. I bought the airpots long before rols but found them to be a pain to fill and water, but if I ever try to start a tree it will be in an airpot.
yeah definitely think im getting some bags... maybe do an experiment run side by side
grow in burlap bags that i buy feed corn in, they hold about 8 gallons of dirt..indoors ive never had to use anything bigger and ive had 6 foot plants in them. im all hydro now though, still use burlap in a flood n drain set up once in a wile but mostly hydro in 3'' rock wool in net pots now.. but everybody i know that grows organic round here use the burlap from cutting to harvest n love it. ive got about 50 sacks in the garage, i use them for camo around my blinds and 4 wheelers if not for growing.
nice yeah i really like the burlap bag idea. make my own hemp woven pots.!
i just picked up some. so i'll do a walmart vs smart pot.... I already have some smart pots I got 3 years ago. But havent used them in a very long time. Decided to switch back to 7 gal fabrics from 10 gal plastic / grow bags
why did you switch?
i dont think a side by side would do any good both fabric, and any breathable material will do the same. but if ur doin a plastic pot vs fabric, fabric will win everytime, just by breathability alone..
I've run original plastic pots, fabric pots and air pots and every time the root ball is stronger and healthier in the air pots. You always don't need as big of a pot if you are using air pots.

i don't know why everyone complains about watering in air pots. I've never had a issue with them or any water spillage.
i actually thought it was reversed thats why i asked... but it gave me the idea to buy plastic bag pots! i can make it fit perfect.! cheap as cheap dirt too, not like that black gold i got out back!
it seems I get bigger plants in the fabric pots. With rols, less aeration over time. So the fabric pots help with that
i dont think a side by side would do any good both fabric, and any breathable material will do the same. but if ur doin a plastic pot vs fabric, fabric will win everytime, just by breathability alone..

actually it will . The WalMart bags are tall pots. Smart pots are wide pots. The WalMart bags are more permeable. Not all fabric pots are the same. I used to use viagrowtm fabric pots. They're horrible. Tall and too permeable. All the water would go out the sides like air pots. Not all the soil would get waters. It got to a point i had to submerse the plants / pots in water to get all the soil wet. So we'll see how WalMart vs smart pots go.
i actually thought it was reversed thats why i asked... but it gave me the idea to buy plastic bag pots! i can make it fit perfect.! cheap as cheap dirt too, not like that black gold i got out back!

I was using 10 gal grow bags last. The white bags. I may still have some going next batch rols style. I ran out of new / recycled soil mix after 12 transplants into 7 gals. I have 10 more transplants to go. I still have 15 10 gal grow bag pots filled with soil. Not broken down yet.
actually it will . The WalMart bags are tall pots. Smart pots are wide pots. The WalMart bags are more permeable. Not all fabric pots are the same. I used to use viagrowtm fabric pots. They're horrible. Tall and too permeable. All the water would go out the sides like air pots. Not all the soil would get waters. It got to a point i had to submerse the plants / pots in water to get all the soil wet. So we'll see how WalMart vs smart pots go.
please get back to me w/ any results, im interested to see the dif. ive noticed in my burlap sacks, seedlings grow better in the deeper but thinner bags wile clones seem to be happier in the standard short wide bags..i guess its that seedling tap root thing being shown in the taller bags..ive cut open the bags a couple times at harvest just to see, and you wonder were all the dirt went as the bag is all roots w/ little dirt to see, thats indoors. outdoors once u put em in the ground the roots come out all sides and bottom and pulling up the plant you loose all those roots and growth comes to a hault..tip to myself and others once a fabric pot is put in the ground, leave it alone, that bag will be useless if u can get it out..
please get back to me w/ any results, im interested to see the dif. ive noticed in my burlap sacks, seedlings grow better in the deeper but thinner bags wile clones seem to be happier in the standard short wide bags..i guess its that seedling tap root thing being shown in the taller bags..ive cut open the bags a couple times at harvest just to see, and you wonder were all the dirt went as the bag is all roots w/ little dirt to see, thats indoors. outdoors once u put em in the ground the roots come out all sides and bottom and pulling up the plant you loose all those roots and growth comes to a hault..tip to myself and others once a fabric pot is put in the ground, leave it alone, that bag will be useless if u can get it out..

seed tap - roots go straight down then back up then out to the sides. That's why its better ro start seeds in small pots. Veg growth will be slower in large pots. Clone roots go in every direction. Out to the sides mostly. In my experience wider pots produce better results than tall skinny pots.
Usually wide pots will have a better plant in them. It used to be common for people to think cannabis liked tall skinny pots but in my years and experiments it's always the wider pots.
seed tap - roots go straight down then back up then out to the sides. That's why its better ro start seeds in small pots. Veg growth will be slower in large pots. Clone roots go in every direction. Out to the sides mostly. In my experience wider pots produce better results than tall skinny pots.
that's interesting you say this, because I didn't think about the different root structures for seeds and clones, I just got those plastic tall bags! I hope they work goodffor me!
I was using 10 gal grow bags last. The white bags. I may still have some going next batch rols style. I ran out of new / recycled soil mix after 12 transplants into 7 gals. I have 10 more transplants to go. I still have 15 10 gal grow bag pots filled with soil. Not broken down yet.
haha that sucks I hear ya on that! That's why I moved my soil outside and prepared All the soil I needed for everything and some at once, I don't want to run out of soil midtransplants!
ok first watering with a WalMart bag. Its not as permeable as I thought. It held the water just as well as the smart pots.
ok first watering with a WalMart bag. Its not as permeable as I thought. It held the water just as well as the smart pots.

Oh yeah, they really hold in the water. I find though if you pour it in too fast and let it fill the space to the lip, you'll get a little leakage for a few seconds, depending upon how well draining your soil is and how much the dry soil pulled away from where soil level meets bag material.