What kind of lights are these?


Well-Known Member
The skinny one is a small hps, like 150w maybe and the fat one is metal halide like 250w. Probably for some outdoor security lights. You need the ballasts to use the bulbs, look around and see if she has any security light fixtures to run them, maybe on the house or shed or barn or whatever.


Well-Known Member
but just to let you know, bulbs aren't the expensive part to a system. in fact its probably the least expensive part. and then again you dont know how long the life of the bulb left is so it could shut off and ruin a crop to hermies

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Not to mention the fact that they produce less lumens as they age, which is why most growers change their bulbs ever 12 months or so.
Also you don't know what spectrum of light they will produce. A hps will generally produce around 2700k, right for flowering, but the mh could be 4000k, which isn't ideal for growing, you want more like 6500k. 5000k would work, but there's really no way to tell (that I know of) unless it say on it or on a box (though I assume there isn't one) that it came in.