What kind of lighting


New to growing, is there lights that you can use from start to finish or do you HAVE to change at different times? I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible and cheep if i can
you could use the same light for the entire grow, for expample a 400w mh/hps. However you are going to have to keep the light far away from the plant in it's early stages, then progressivly move it closer as they age.


Well-Known Member
not u dont HAVE to, but ideally for the best grow & what the plants really need at each stage, u should. cheapest, easiest will be using CFL's which u dont have to worry about distance much, as u will keep them above ur plants at approximately a bit less then 2 inches ur entire grow.


man a rule of thumb is when you put your hand under the light where you feel good there the plant will too :), if your only option is to use one light, then you should use Metal Halide, all depends on the number of plants, growroom dimensions and airflow. good CFL's can even touch the plant without burning it, but you will need about 5-10 25w-CFL's for 2' x 2' x 3' room with 5 plants SOG method


Well-Known Member
if your only option is to use one light, then you should use Metal Halide,
Actually, money aside & talking about only using one light for an entire grow, the HPS is the best choice, Not the MH, as the light u need most is in flower, & HPS is designed for flowering plants, however a lot of growers use only HPS from seed to Harvest.


so what should i go with for best all around light, it doesn't need to be just 1 light, just trying to stay cheep and easy


Well-Known Member
again, ur only cheap & easy option is the cfl, as they are the only lights u dont need a ballast for, us simply plug them in & go.