what kind of gift card type credit card to buy?

Im tryin to order seeds from attitude and i live in the USA and i usually just grow with the seeds i get from bud but i wanna try a legit strain, I dont have a credit card and im pretty sure my wellls fargo debit card doesn't do international money transfers so i was wondering what kind of gift card type credit i can buy at like walmart or the grocery strore that can order seeds from attitude? Anyone ever buy a gift card, put money on it and order seeds that worked? Help would be :leaf:AWSOME:leaf:
not to sure what you mean by my question looks familiar cause i only have posted 4 times on this site but its all good and whats that link cause ive googled and binged the hell out of this question and can't find a straight answer but thanks
Im tryin to order seeds from attitude and i live in the USA and i usually just grow with the seeds i get from bud but i wanna try a legit strain, I dont have a credit card and im pretty sure my wellls fargo debit card doesn't do international money transfers so i was wondering what kind of gift card type credit i can buy at like walmart or the grocery strore that can order seeds from attitude? Anyone ever buy a gift card, put money on it and order seeds that worked? Help would be :leaf:AWSOME:leaf:

Green Dot. Get them anywhere. Then hit up Attitude or Herbie's. Good luck! If in the US then Dr. Greenthumbs in BC accept money orders and all orders are by mail. I order from UK.
Any gift card that has a Visa or Mastercard symbol can be used overseas. But, you have to obtain the card first then call the number on it and request to use it overseas. I don't know the exact process but I know it takes about a week after you make that call to where you can use your card overseas. My buddy had to go this route and bought his seeds from Attitude with no issues.
Any gift card that has a Visa or Mastercard symbol can be used overseas. But, you have to obtain the card first then call the number on it and request to use it overseas. I don't know the exact process but I know it takes about a week after you make that call to where you can use your card overseas. My buddy had to go this route and bought his seeds from Attitude with no issues.

All cards are that way because of terror laws in banking. Hell all banks too anymore.
Any gift card that has a Visa or Mastercard symbol can be used overseas. But, you have to obtain the card first then call the number on it and request to use it overseas. I don't know the exact process but I know it takes about a week after you make that call to where you can use your card overseas. My buddy had to go this route and bought his seeds from Attitude with no issues.

Sadly.... this is not true... a recent law was passed* having to do with homeland security I believe...gift cards do NOT work any longer..NONE of them.... if you dont believe me, go buy one and be disappointed.

*April 1st 2012
I see. Yes my credit union froze my card because I made the mistake of buying more then 100 dollars worth of goodies overseas. I had to not only call Visa but my bank as well to straighten it out.

Unrelated story about the terror thing. When I first moved to where I am now we had no washer/dryer the first few weeks so I had to use a laundromat. The coin machine didn't work so I went across the street to a bank I had never heard of before, not a big chain but not a credit union, and I asked for two quarter rolls. The teller, a younger cute girl, was about to hand me the rolls as I laid my 20 spot on the counter then all of a sudden the bank manager, also a cute but older and rude girl, shot up from her desk halfway across the room and scolded the teller and then told me "you can't have those"! I was like WTF? She said "If you open an account you can get quarters", and I was like "NO THANKS, I have a bank but it's across town, I just need quarters to do our laundry". She said "I'm sure the laundromat has a coin machine" and I of course told her it was broken and to give me a break. I said "what's the big deal lady"?! She yells "terrorists"! I shit you not everyone in the bank looked at us like a bomb was about to go off. I said "you have got to be fucking kidding me"? "I want to do my laundry and you are talking about terrorists"? She threatened to call the cops and I just told her she was insane and left. I have never been treated like that before in any bank before or after 9/11. I had to laugh it off or I would of beat the living hell out of her.
Sadly.... this is not true... a recent law was passed* having to do with homeland security I believe...gift cards do NOT work any longer..NONE of them.... if you dont believe me, go buy one and be disappointed.

*April 1st 2012

Well now I know that's not true being my friend just bought his seeds last month with a visa gift card from walmart. He even buys his nutes, flora formula dry nutes or something from Amsterdam every other month. I believe this is why one has to call the card company and request it and maybe provide more proof of identity or something. All I know is that he used his gift card just after the July 4th holiday and received his seeds within 2 weeks from Herbiesheadshop.
Gift2go VISA gift card ONLY. Sold only at Walgreens pharmacy's. No need to call and give them all your info either. Works as soon as you walk out the door! good luck. O and p.s they fly off the shelves.
As a matter of fact as of today, the Visa Gift card FAQs state "Your card can be used internationally at merchants that accept Visa ® debit cards".
green dot sucks it I put 500 on like a dumbass thinking I could just start buying shit but then they want proof of who you are to use it.... Ie they are getting that ss# when you want to use it. They want proof of a bank account and they say they will report suspicious activity to the police in the terms of use.
Well now I know that's not true being my friend just bought his seeds last month with a visa gift card from walmart. He even buys his nutes, flora formula dry nutes or something from Amsterdam every other month. I believe this is why one has to call the card company and request it and maybe provide more proof of identity or something. All I know is that he used his gift card just after the July 4th holiday and received his seeds within 2 weeks from Herbiesheadshop.

I dont wish to argue....you obviously believe what you say. Like I said to the guy.... buy one, and see what happens. I did my research personally....not through a friend
As a matter of fact as of today, the Visa Gift card FAQs state "Your card can be used internationally at merchants that accept Visa ® debit cards".

call them.... you think those are updated on a regular basis? I PROMISE you.... they can NOT be used internationally from the U.S
Or you can just send them cash ive done it a few times...always worked. Just make sure you cant see there is $ in there when you hold the envelope up to a light. I always wrapped mine in a black hightimes mag page lol.

Visa gift2go is the fastest way though.
However you decided to purchase them there will always be some degree of risk my friends. I've been using Greendot (visa) for a while (from Attitude) without any issues, ever. After you buy the card you have to wait till you receive the permanent card in the mail in order to make international purchases (from the tude for example). I've also bought some with my own bank card, never had any issues neither. Just be smart about it, make small purchases or in batches if your buying a lot and never ever deliver to your grow spot. The DEA nor your bank will be notified if they see a 50$ suspicious purchase; if you spend 500$ maybe. They got bigger fish to fry than your 10 seeds. Hope it helps.