What kind of bug could this be?


Active Member
I have a plant growing in local woods and when I went to check on it today the leaves had a bunch of holes in them. I don't know what kind of bug this could be. I haven't seen anything on or around the tall grass and plants nearby.

Any ideas what this could be be?



Looks like caterpillar, grasshopper damage to me. You can try some barrier type repellants-cayenne ppr, tabacco tea, vinegar, pinesol-spread around area of plants and reapply after rains. You can also use chems, but why if nature xcan do it, too. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Oh $hit - that was yours? My bad... ;)

Seriously though, did you see the plants around yours? I noticed similar damage patterns (to the right). I would clear out the immediate vicinity at least a foot around your base and use some of the natural repellents that tboner1 recommends. It does not seem to be something that specifically attacks the MJ, and could have been a target of opportunity for a caterpillar.