What kind of accent do you have?

I'm not from the states, but i answered the question with the accent i hear on tv and got 'The West' or 'The Midlands.'

Along with what looks like an insult about my accent.
I'm not from the states, but i answered the question with the accent i hear on tv and got 'The West' or 'The Midlands.'

Along with what looks like an insult about my accent.

Im sorry i cant hear ANYONE over my fucking fargo accent. and in case anyuone doesnt know what it sounds like please listen
and than realize my accent is worse than anyones on here [video=youtube;x-XEHwUBubk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-XEHwUBubk[/video]


chanice got boston. she grew up on long island for a few years but got made fun of for her accent when she moved out to colorado. so i guess she bostonized. makes no sense to me.
seems lately it's either puppy speak.. or grand-baby speak.. both are very similar however some moms may complain when you tell the baby to "come here, and then whistle"
I lived in yardley and bethlehem for a few years.. i like that area. sesame place! holla!
Oh and I don't think there's much variation in czech but I still have the accent when I occasionally need to talk to my grandfather in when he forgets to use english. "Dědeček, anglicky!" That's a weird way of saying english in czech...we pronounce it engletski, ski like you're going skiing and the e in the beginning being like...I can't describe it, it's a sound the english language doesn't really have and the middle e is pronounced like 'eh' lmao
North Central. Not that I'm from the states. Never thought I had an accent, I mean, I sound just like all the fuckers on tv!

Wonder how a newfie would do.
Im sorry i cant hear ANYONE over my fucking fargo accent. and in case anyuone doesnt know what it sounds like please listen
and than realize my accent is worse than anyones on here

I love the canadian accent

This quiz was wick'hed reta'ded, im from baah'ston, and it says im from Inland North 77%, West 72%.. wtf is that.

it pegged me 100% for a boston accent, which i find impressive since it didn't ask about how i pronounce my "r"s. i do take issue with it being called the "boston" accent since i haven't lived in boston a day in my life. i hate when people act like "the boston area" is the only place that talks like that, but i live within an hour of the place so whatever.