What keeps YOU going?


Well-Known Member
You got 2 have some shrooms to go with that microwave popcorn lol but I've heard from alot of ppl that they are happy going solar. I think cycling to Mexico is f***en cool, imagine going 200 mph on an empty road stoned - that's a feeling other things can't give you.

I'm actually trying to really get into the habit of studying right now(studying w/ MJ helps profoundly-in my experience) because it's my first year in college but my dream is to get a scholarship to the University of Amsterdam med-school and start a life there where I can be around what I love, do what I love (getting high) and be around people who are accepting of that. I want to wake up in the morning , toke, and just watch life pass by (preferrably infront of a river or nice scenery) and wherever I go I wana be getting high just to get high and not worry if a cop or somebody is gonna freak out and harrass me.
Go for it man, I have some friends who moved to the Netherlands in the 80' and they love it, said they will never come back to the US.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Man life is incredibly stressful, but sometimes you gotta just put all the global bullshit out of your head. Looking back throughout history, there has always been greed, violence, and bullshit. I think there always will be. I say just surround yourself with good people, and enjoy whatever you can, whenever you can.

I like heading out to nature personally. Nature is timeless. None of the bullshit involved with politics, life, money, global issues, or business can bring me down when im hiking through the woods, or riding my bike down a trail. Or heading down stream on a kayak or canoe, sun in my face, THC in my head. I say take time to do some shit you like to do, whether it be play music, go outdoors, whatever.

And remember, it will all be over someday. Life isn't fair, and you die at the end. Accept it, embrace it, and appreciate the good things while they last. These are the good old days. Like Kevin Spacey at the end of American Beauty: "I cant feel anything but appreciation for every second of my stupid little life"


Active Member
i am somewhat of a destructive nihilist, so i kind of want to watch it burn. but, my wife keeps me going. so does M-theory in and as a part of string theory. that knowledge, and the knowledge from jung and his archetypes/collective unconscious. then throw in hermeticism, the kabbalah, taoism, chakras, meditation, astral projecting, rhythm breathing, and sacred geometry.
although many of the listed do have numerous connections, they provide a large part of my foundation. so, they keep me going. as does the beauty of chaos fractals.

it's like when you understand your part in the play....

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
my mates
my family
the internet
being young

and getting high and waiting all year round for that summer sun :)
even if i was homeless id still be looking forward to every summer under the sun getting baked and just chillin :)