what isn't pot good for???


Active Member
actually alot of the ivy leaguers are doing alot worse than pot. read a few articles and studies on that
Yea saw a documentary on Wall Street heroin partys on the weekends they treat it like going to a club and have casual uses . Not the stereotypical junkie


Active Member
You're making a lot of assumptions. IMO, weed affects everyone differently. For me, I usually don't smoke during the day while I'm at work because I deal with cash drawers, customers, balance sheets, accounting, etc and I like to stay clear headed so no mistakes are made. I have employees on the other hand that focus much better when medicated (ADD in particular).

I used to play professional hockey too. You'd be shocked at how many pro athletes smoke on the regular and I think you'd be hard pressed to find a more physically demanding job than an NHL hockey player.
I’m not making any assumption, I said, weed affects everyone differently, Your kinda like me in the sense that when you go to work, you have realized you’re better, more efficient, and probably make less mistakes strait then if you went to work and had a party. And I also said that a few guys are better at their work when high. Your first paragraph has all the same points that I tried to make in my post. Let’s just disagree too disagree then.

No shocker to me that pro athletes do drugs, I have a hard time trying to see the reasoning behind that. If I was rich and famous I would do better thing with my life than drugs.


Active Member
I smoke because it makes me feel good and does seem to help with the muscle spasms that I have in my left leg due to a spinal injury and subsequent surgery. It doesn't make me think better or faster. It doesn't help me focus better. It does make me a lot less of a miserable prick which I tend to be. There are gives and takes like anything else.
When weed is used for a medical purpose, such as yourself, I’m pro 110% behind you and wish you all the best. But here is the problem, how many teenagers in school have a medical purpose when they decide to light up that very first time; once hooked they will gladly give you all kinds of different reasoning behind their use of pot, none of which are a true medical reason.

Here is an example of two younger guys I know and live in my town. They were and still are buds, went to school in the same grade and decided to try pot one day. Slowly started to smoke more and more and went to class less and less. Now they both dropped out and didn’t finish school. Here is where it gets interesting, I don’t know if they got a bad batch of hooch or something but both of them developed some kind of Bipolar or anger management issues, I don’t know the full details but both have been in trouble and are seeing doctors. Now back to pot and the many guys that say it calms them down, when these guys smoke pot they are good kids and live a normal life but if they run out of weed they start to lose it, both are very hard on their girlfriends and one of them fights with family. This fellow just got in shit with firearms. Give them a constant supply of smoke and they are fine, coincidence or what?

When I was quitting or cutting back on weed, I was moody myself, I was told I was hard to get along with and grumpy. I didn’t see it then but I do now. Withdraw is like that and effects everyone different also different for everyone is the length of time between your last smoke and for withdraw to set in. Withdraw for one of my buddies only takes a few hours. So with all that babbling I finally ask, would you be as moody without withdraw from weed if you never started smoking in the first place?


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Yea read that one too. Also seen that appearantly, us pot smokers have a faster metabolism than non smokers. And it said although most of us smokers consume more calories on average than non smokers(munching out all the time). Pot smokers are on average skinnier. About time more the news reports, on the positive side of this drug


Active Member
I think you'd be hard pressed to find a more physically demanding job than an NHL hockey player.

I missed this one at first. I’m pretty sure I could bring the pain, their back, legs and feet, no matter whom you are, you’re going to hurt if you’re standing up ALL DAY, digging, pulling, lifting, non-stop, based on a 20min repeat schedule. The mental exhaustion alone would have them running back to their old job. We are fisherman on a boat that is moving under your feet, it’s a full time job just standing up strait compensating for the rock and roll of the boat. Top it all off with a bad night sleep going to bed dirty with salt spray in your eyes, burning. Did I say already your away from home a week at a time with no cell service, that one thing there is going to be the hardest on most of you, no cell, no text, no internet.
I’m sure getting paid big money to stay in shape, skating up and down the rink, passing a puck around, going home to a nice clean bed is a tough job, but some buddy’s got to do it.


Well-Known Member
When weed is used for a medical purpose, such as yourself, I’m pro 110% behind you and wish you all the best. But here is the problem, how many teenagers in school have a medical purpose when they decide to light up that very first time; once hooked they will gladly give you all kinds of different reasoning behind their use of pot, none of which are a true medical reason.

Here is an example of two younger guys I know and live in my town. They were and still are buds, went to school in the same grade and decided to try pot one day. Slowly started to smoke more and more and went to class less and less. Now they both dropped out and didn’t finish school. Here is where it gets interesting, I don’t know if they got a bad batch of hooch or something but both of them developed some kind of Bipolar or anger management issues, I don’t know the full details but both have been in trouble and are seeing doctors. Now back to pot and the many guys that say it calms them down, when these guys smoke pot they are good kids and live a normal life but if they run out of weed they start to lose it, both are very hard on their girlfriends and one of them fights with family. This fellow just got in shit with firearms. Give them a constant supply of smoke and they are fine, coincidence or what?

When I was quitting or cutting back on weed, I was moody myself, I was told I was hard to get along with and grumpy. I didn’t see it then but I do now. Withdraw is like that and effects everyone different also different for everyone is the length of time between your last smoke and for withdraw to set in. Withdraw for one of my buddies only takes a few hours. So with all that babbling I finally ask, would you be as moody without withdraw from weed if you never started smoking in the first place?
I would say no, cannabis calms and relaxes you, almost better than anything I know, and as regular smokers we attribute relaxation time, to sitting and burning. This is one of our sole sources of relaxing, and after smoking for so long you start to forget other ways to relax without it, because its so much easier to just sit and light one up. And without it our minds dnt know what to do with themselfs. Im the same way, night/day between weed vs. no weed. My somewhat backwards solution to this. Make sure I always have some weed. Had we never smoked we would naturally find things to relax our minds, maybe reading, or fishing, going for a walk in the woods. But after smoking, your mind gets used to that feeling, and thats what your mind want to relax, any other option just doesnt seem relavant at that time


Well-Known Member
I missed this one at first. I’m pretty sure I could bring the pain, their back, legs and feet, no matter whom you are, you’re going to hurt if you’re standing up ALL DAY, digging, pulling, lifting, non-stop, based on a 20min repeat schedule. The mental exhaustion alone would have them running back to their old job. We are fisherman on a boat that is moving under your feet, it’s a full time job just standing up strait compensating for the rock and roll of the boat. Top it all off with a bad night sleep going to bed dirty with salt spray in your eyes, burning. Did I say already your away from home a week at a time with no cell service, that one thing there is going to be the hardest on most of you, no cell, no text, no internet.
I’m sure getting paid big money to stay in shape, skating up and down the rink, passing a puck around, going home to a nice clean bed is a tough job, but some buddy’s got to do it.
are you serious??? hey i'm not a fan of overpaid sports myself but apples to apples hockey is the least paid of the major sports and the daily injuries...lost teeth, broken noses, concussions etc are bad enough let alone the major ones...complete facial reconstruction, brain damage due to severe concussions over and over, broken bones..not just ankles or hands but facial too such as your eye socket, jaw etc. take your argument to the basketball court or the baseball diamond you may have a better chance there


Well-Known Member
I missed this one at first. I’m pretty sure I could bring the pain, their back, legs and feet, no matter whom you are, you’re going to hurt if you’re standing up ALL DAY, digging, pulling, lifting, non-stop, based on a 20min repeat schedule. The mental exhaustion alone would have them running back to their old job. We are fisherman on a boat that is moving under your feet, it’s a full time job just standing up strait compensating for the rock and roll of the boat. Top it all off with a bad night sleep going to bed dirty with salt spray in your eyes, burning. Did I say already your away from home a week at a time with no cell service, that one thing there is going to be the hardest on most of you, no cell, no text, no internet.
I’m sure getting paid big money to stay in shape, skating up and down the rink, passing a puck around, going home to a nice clean bed is a tough job, but some buddy’s got to do it.

Can I ask how old you are, and how long you've been doing this for?