What isa purge

I do all my extracts in the dark and under 70 degrees even in the purge. 75 degrees or so is when lighter terpenes began to volatize into the air (I also dry/cure at 70 or under for this reason)

That makes me feel like it would take a week to purge a medium - large batch...

Even with 100-120F heating pad it takes about 48 hours to fully purge a BHO and longer for ISO at that heat without vacuum.

Sounds like some super tasty stuff though!
I generally use about a half gallon of iso each time I wash, at 65 degrees with increased airflow its evaporated and smokeable within 24 hours. Lately I've been finishing in the freezer to get a crystalline product that doesn't require scraping but often I evap in a crockpot so I can scrape and put on low.. I say this to give you an idea of surface area with the half gallon of iso at these temps

But thanks man, I try to get the purest stuff possible
Qwiso, maybe u can refresh my memory, but what is the perg method called where u freeze ur product, then pull a vac before warming it up? I been tryn that and it seems to work great, but I can't find the link I first seen about it or remember what the method is called..
Sorry man, I don't think I've heard a name for that technique...(and I am pretty familiar with extractions..) but I suppose it could be out there.....
Yea it does work quite well. You should do everything as low of temps as possible. Terpenes begin to volatize in the air around that 70 degree mark and higher. If you evap under this temp more terpenes remain. Because our solvents have a much lower boiling point they are still a liquid and able to be purged. Just know that too much vacuum will still remove anything including the cannabinoids

But as to the specific aspect of degassing, no I would say its a waste of time. But ive always used sonication with good results (thats what i use at work) if your looking to speed evap. then again I'm not the best person to ask opinions about vacuuming, I see it as a waste unless your running nitrogen or something through it. I'm not impatient, I choose to evap naturally
Yea it does work quite well. You should do everything as low of temps as possible. Terpenes begin to volatize in the air around that 70 degree mark and higher. If you evap under this temp more terpenes remain. Because our solvents have a much lower boiling point they are still a liquid and able to be purged. Just know that too much vacuum will still remove anything including the cannabinoids
yea I was thinkin since the oil freezer way before the solvent you might be able to pull solvent while terps r still frozen or whatever, like say u froze a bho patty and crushed it up to make alot of surface area, then put it in vac, and did this a couple times till solvents gone.., sometimes smokin all this bho gets me over thinkin shit,ahha, sorry for the stupid questions
Yea. When I "freeze dry" it comes out powdery. Similar to the powdery residue seen in the sides of dishes during evap. It works and I like it alot, but have only done it a few times so that's all I can really say about it right now. I mentioned it in the iso thread briefly also(though not a true freeze dry in that thread as I didn't use vacuum, either way a crystalline structure was obtained), I'm gonna be making a lot more and playing around with it...
Can I take it past oil to another form without vacuum? Just reducing?
Would like a ball that won't stick to my shit...
Yea. The powder/crystalline hash oil, I've only made it a few times now so don't want to say too much as to replicating in a specific environment. I will say that it forms in the azeotrope when evaping iso, you can replicate and alter this by increasing the rates iso is evaping. The powder is most often found when using high wind and cool temps upon "purging', freezing conditions will promote it as well... in any case this crystalline thc prefers to stick to itself and can easily be picked up with a small spoon or even your fingers(depending on how hot you are) and it won't melt. Making it easy to scrape off the Pyrex or whatever and easy to smoke...of course this is all relevant to how pure your hash oil is.... ive also been working on a time release thc pill and hash powder suitable for insufflation...nobody wants to give any ideas so I guess I'll mention it here....

No suggestions so maybe someone over here will help
"I was thinking of adding a polymer/ cyclodextrin carrier or encapsulating with a hydrophillic membrane etc. I've found several people making a racemic powder upwards of 2/3 l-thc crystallizing at room temp, I wonder if I could make a hash product suitable for insufflation ..methylated b-cyclodextrin can only hold 1mg of thc per 25mg....also been thinking about a time released thc pill, I've seen some that release over 3 weeks,that's craziness, but I'm bored and figure I'll try and make something cool... maybe I'll try and do something the average Joe can do, like a time released bees wax/lecithen formulation..I don't know , hopefully I end up with something cool and doesn't cut potency too much.........any ideas?"
Of course a good extract is a solid at room temp and isn't sticky preferring to stick to itself but still a pain
Thc does indeed crystallize like pretty much all substances and has been subject of many studies for preparation of nasal sprays and inhalers etc. There are a few patents out on it in fact...as my previous quote states a racemic mix upwards of 2/3 l-thc will crystallize also will thc subjected to certain crystallization techniques. sublimation, evapping suoersaturated solvent under certain conditions most common with seeding possibly using the dextrorotatory but not necessary , it definitely forms a poly crystalline structure and I have included pics in the iso thread of what it looks like..is a bad pic though
See I've found heating it hurts consistency, makes it not wanna be shatter at room temp. Heating in my opinion makes it want to stay a liquid ..

"forever goo" but that's just my opinion.. I've never really experimented with high temps
@post #75

It is not just your opinion. Here you describe in simple words change the consistency caused by decarboxylation,
when crystallized THCa turns into THC, unable to crystallize.

I followed your advice and looked at the local iso-thread.
Unfortunately, did not find your photos, I'll take your word for it that they are terrible.
But on the bright side it does mean that you have room to grow.
I'll try a little help correcting some of your mistakes. You want to learn to teach?

Its called an azeotrope.. if you take the milky fluid on a butter knife and heat it you'll end up with oil
@Post #50
You misunderstand the term azeotrope, milky white emulsion is not azeotrope and has no relation to the azeotrope in the conventional sense.

turn cbda into thc,
@post #92

CBDa -> CBD, THCa -> THC

a etoh and hexane saline wash when going for best quality
@post #104

Properties of EtOH and IPA differ in admixture with brine and hexane, only IPA does the job and ethanol is not running here.

You should do a lot more reading my friend...

Do not thank me, I consult on a pro bono basis, not as those rude and obnoxious Russian ones,
..rude and obnoxious..everything is "deal".."i'll give you 100$ for your diamond tag hauer":lol:
Btw, How much is PhD? :)
Lol http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/core/lw...to zoom&p=PMC3&id=1952348_f-61-00799-fig2.jpg
Way to take out of context

Before decarboxylation uv-c will convert cbda to thc and yes I have studies to back it up

Hexane/saline is a commonly used mix.. check skunkpharm...we aren't talking about etoh or whatever your saying

And yes an azeotrope is forming as iso evaporates. The water causes the cloudy appearence

For anyone interested I received my pharm. D at Texas tech... I don't know everything nor do I claim to, I am wrong at times. I didn't specifically study for this purpose and many things I learned in school so long ago that I only retained what I use on a daily basis. I make and mix unstable pharmaceuticals, and that's all I'll say about it but I just come here to try and teach people some things and help out a bit... when I'm bored.... I don't like being attacked and having to prove every sentence

I will no longer be replying to any of your comments.....
I have an understanding, and I'm not on here to teach the world my supreme knowledge, I'm just answering a few questions.you should really think about changing your attitude, Russian or not. You just seem intent on antagonizing me...why are you talking about decarbing I'm fully aware how that works and what's happening as well as the product......that was never brought up? So what are you getting at with the graph