What isa purge

no, he's just russian and they're a pain in the ass and think you owe them everything..can be annoying at times until you understand them..they are demanding..imo
Lol, My cousins wife is from Russia, I don't know how he puts up with it...demanding is a understatement...
decarbing before hand will not increase potency.
I never said it will increase. I just asked why do you think decarb will DEcrease potency?
I think it will not and the only harm is loosing -COOH. And loosing aroma. While potency remains strong.

wow, waving flag? lol!
Russian are all different, I hope you do not think that the Americans are all the same?
Well most people who decarb for smoking (Frenchy) make the claim that it Increases potency, I assume from a misinterpretation of why you decarb.. if you just don't see how decarbing before hand would decrease potency. Well that's just because thc is heat sensitive, its constantly degrading and heat speeds the process. So keeping your bud in cool conditions will help stop this degredation. And heating your bud will decrease potency as would happen during a decarb..if your not using heat to decarb, 140 days at room temp will do it for you so don't cure longer than that imo. But curing bud reduces potency as well
, I assume from a misinterpretation of why you decarb..

140 days at room temp

curing bud reduces potency as well
I decarbed just for the joy of investigation, for the sake of canna-fun-science, as an entertainment, years back, you may remember the decarb-graph "Effect of heating time and temp…", it was reposted many times.

I do not cure buds, not even always dries them, more often recycle in AA right off the vine.

Of course, I agree that the resin begins to deteriorate from the moment of occurrence.

In the stories of degradation my favorite is -“THC degrades faster than CBD, which in the curing results the profile balance CBD/THC to increase.”
That's interesting, I had never heard that before.. cbd is quite stable in comparison to thc but I suspect it would take a year or so before you would notice anything. I've never had bud around half that long lol
But curing bud reduces potency as well

So does curing reduce potency and increase the quality of flavor. Why is it such an overly stressed upon step in drying? I'm just wondering is there any scientific basis for this step? I'm sure you have a very scientific and well thought out reason why curing reduces potency, I'm very interested in that aswell, but, I'm much more interested in the reason that everyone finds it's considered such a necessary process now adays?
Here's a quote from me (I love that I can Google my name and related info and find a good quote:) )
"Reduction in Chlorophyll content, doesn't taste like smoking veggies
Reduction in plant starch content,and sugars, creating a smooth smoke
Reduction in nitrate levels,less carcinogenic
the polycyclic aromatization of terpenoids altering the flavor profile
Reduction of and consistent moisture content, even slow burn"

Curing is very important in herb. Not so much in hash oil but it does drastically alter the flavor in general going from a more feminine floral smell to a more robust full flavor. In that sense curing is very important to hash as well. But if your looking for the most potent product possible and attempting to minimize every loss, this is one. I personally use freshly harvested material for my hash. For optimum thc and color:) I harvest all cloudy/clear. Yes you lose weight. But my product is as pure as I can possibly get it(i do also make a red medicinal oil)Thc is clear and a solid at room temp. Curing allows your product to degrade to a slight degree but it is necessary for a quality smoke. I never suggest to cure longer than 140 days, by that time most has decarbed on its own and is now degrading thc even faster
I just wanna thank y'all for listening lol..I try to pump info into my wife (normally I start rambling scientific or pharmaceutical malarky after smoking) she just yells at me and tells me to shut up, her head hurts
I just wanna thank y'all for listening lol..I try to pump info into my wife (normally I start rambling scientific or pharmaceutical malarky after smoking) she just yells at me and tells me to shut up, her head hurts
Lol I do sort of the same thing with my girl. Dude I wish you would just teach some classes bro you'd be the best teacher. You allways word things in a simple way to grasp on to a semi complex chemical reactions. Its very helpful and I feel like my brain swells with knowledge when I'm reading your posts man. Thanks for real I'd give ya rep again too but I gutta spread it around
IMG649.jpgIMG649.jpgWhats the best way to get everything off the pyrex if you've failed to use parchment paper?
P.s also say I accidently got a splash of water in the bowl when purging...whats the best way to rectify? Testify!
Well it depends I suppose, I've always thought warming shatter(if yours is) till its able to be scraped is most effective. A good iso wash or winterized oil should be "shatter" or like glass at room temp. If you then attempted to scrape at room temp or frozen, pieces would chip and fly all over the room. I think freezing works best with parchment paper.
But then you have "wax" or what I've been most interested in lately , crystallized hash oil. A powder at room temp, that's easy to pick up and smoke

As to water, you just gotta re evap. Water takes a while naturally even with a fan, if you have a vacuum, I would do as fade suggested. If not you can apply some light heat with the fan. But I never condone heating
No vacuum.no thermometer....2nd run ever...just been double boiling for a few hours now...fuck I'm smashed!
Lol I would just let the water evap naturally then, somewhere with a fan, no light and pretty cool. I like my product to stay under 75 degrees forever and always.. but if you have a lot of water on your hash you should try and separate them, it sounds like you have a lot of water. They separate pretty easily, depending I guess. But swirling a paperclip in the mix should pick up most of the oil but I have no idea what your working with
It seems to be sorted, they didn't really combine , thanks!
Is light really that much of a deal? I mean like household t8's? wil it be noticeable?
Light is thc's worst enemy. In solution lights effect is intensified. Waiting around for it to evap nicely will darken your oil. Even if its in your house under regular lighting, even if lights are off but the suns still out, you want it as dark as possible. Studies have shown thc being stable for years (well kinda) at room temp without light. Will it be that noticeable, probly not to most people. I notice. But I also grow landrace sativas and am expecting that high to carry over

Thc in solution with light was shown to degrade 10 times faster than in darkness. Giving a half life of just 13 days