What isa purge

so everclear is considered ethanol isnt it?

and youre saying that ethanol is non polar?

and that non polar solvents wont winterize?? huh?
Everclear is supposed to be 95% etoh with the remainder being distilled water, no coloring flavoring or sugars are supposed to be in it..polarity is relative, butane does not have a polar hydroxyl group -oh while iso and etoh do . Responsible also for iso's high boiling point even though its molecular weight is very similar to butane and water boiling at a much higher temp, being much lighter than butane or iso. Hydrogen bonding is the strongest intra molecular force. Imfs are what determine solubility. Their is no defining line between polar and non polar. Its how polar or non polar. To find out, the biggest clue is molecular structure. ch bonds are non polar making hexane with more carbon a better non polar solvent. These hydrocarbon solvents lack the polar hydroxyl group that water iso and ever clear have.. but for them to hold cannabinoids in suspension and dissolve them they must also have a non polar side, which is why you can't winterize in water
Likewise delta 9 is oxidized to delta 8 ....etc
I have multiple studies for everything I say as well as a PhD to back it up...

PhD ? cool!
Transformation Delta9-Delta8 is usually mentioned that it occurs in the liver after ingestion.
About oxidation more often read that THC degrades in CBN,
sometimes argued that the CBD is also degraded in CBN,
others deny it, but do not name a degradation product of CBD.
Probably you know?
Delta 9 converts to 11 in the liver.... keep trolling

Do some research.........I've put up studies on how delta 9 degrades to 8 and studies show cbn forming not in relation to thc degredation in freezing conditions. Suggesting cbn comes from an enzymatic/metabolic process increasing in storage and not thc degredation. Though some propose both theories are correct and that its reduced to delta 8 and a tiny portion converted to cbn the rest from plant processes
Mine? Hehe a flower made of rolling papers...my wife complained I never give her flowers, to which I say, they are expensive and they die.....so I rolled some joints and attached some more papers to make a rose. They smoked awesomely:)..... the one in my avatar doesn't have weed in it however, she wanted one to keep............figured I would never be able to make em again (I was really high) so I took a pic and thought I would show the world lol

If your not referring to mine...well f you then!
haha yeah it was yours I was asking about. I thought youd have something cooler (cooler to us) lol, but if its something between you and your wife thats cool too.

I find when I buy the old lady flowers the house fills with fruit flies. oh how I hate those fucking things!!!!!!
Yea decarbing definately reduces potency if its for a product to be smoked.. the only reason you decarb is because thca doesn't readily cross the bb barrier, this is important to those making edibles. If its bud to be smoked, your lighter decarbs it instantly and "double decarbing" would just reduce potency by degradation
I'm not trolling and english isn't my first language, it is true.
Sorry if I was not polite.
My observations periodically makes me doubt the validity of the hypothesis of co-psychoactivity of terpenes.
I share the view of those who believe that the flavors - separately and psychoactivity - separately.
so if you ate a ton of bud or hash, you obviously wouldnt get as high as you would if you made it into butter and ingested it properly, but you would still kinda feel a little bit stoned wouldnt you? why? how does that work?
Well they are. That's all there is too it, if you could imagine mixing iso and your hash oil. Pretend you have a super sensitive nose, you would know for a fact there is no more iso when you could no longer smell it coming out of the product during a purge. The same is true for any aromatic compound. To say its still there but some how its chemical structure has changed and is no longer aromatic is absurd....there aren't others for you to side with lol no others for you to share views. Your disagreeing with something quite basic. Yes the degratory products are still psychoactive and yes they have lost their aroma. This is because as things degrade their boiling points raise and they degrade until they are carbon. These degrated products have lost their aromatic ring...so yea you'll get high no it won't have a smell cause its not the same thing..eventually it will degrade until its not psychoactive
You are most definitely just trolling now. How does it make sense to you that a heat sensitive chemical won't be harmed being decarbed and then reheated much further upon lighting. A lighter decarbs it instantly, decarbing before hand will not increase potency.
Vac if you ate a gram of bud that has not been cured or many amber heads you will not feel much, if anything but thca isn't the only compound effecting your high so I suspect you might feel something, many terps cross the bb barrier and as the plant ages its naturally decarbed. Even a seedling or veg plant has an average of 2% thc, some will stay and be decarbed. Most hash processes decarb slightly and it decarbs much faster when the moisture of the plant is removed as in extracted trichomes.

Now I said readily cross the Bb barrier, to pass through generally you want to be under a polar surface area of less than 60 angstroms . Thca is 66.. at high doses I would expect some to pass...that's pretty much it... high doses of undecarbed could get you high..
trust me, none of that shit matters. that stove vent you think is all bad ass will be the thing that creates the spark. windows open or not sometimes all that does it swirl the fumes around, if you dont have a proper intake and exhaust into your house, or the perfect wind direction, its really not venting as well as youd think.

I know a guy who was just like you... he wasnt stupid. thought his dinky little fan was exhausting all his fumes. well it blew up on him and lifted the roof right off of his fuckin house.. cracked all along the top of the walls and the ceiling, knocked his bathroom door right off the hinges. burnt his plastic jogging pants onto his legs. his tatted arms were burnt now his arms look fucked, not to mention he pain and financial stress he went through.

trust me, its better to be safe than sorry, it happens so fucking quick and the thoughts going through your head during that split second will stick with you for the rest of your life. ive blown up ISO and butane when I was younger with friends, ill never forget it. ever had your life flash before your eyes? I somewhat experienced it when that ISO went up on fire, as well as what the future would be like... felt like 10 years and 10,000 scenarios went through my head in under 1/10th of a second. the butane one was too quick. I didnt even have time to do anything, it was just BOOMouch. we already had a member here have a fire this weekend, same as you... cooking it off indoors with doors open and a fan...

um, yeah that shit is heavy and will waft down and around corners, too..
You are most definitely just trolling now. How does it make sense to you that a heat sensitive chemical won't be harmed being decarbed and then reheated much further upon lighting. A lighter decarbs it instantly, decarbing before hand will not increase potency.

no, he's just russian and they're a pain in the ass and think you owe them everything..can be annoying at times until you understand them..they are demanding..imo