What is YOUR perfect Legalized Canada?

LOL! I live on Vancouver Island, not Winnipeg, no dark, bitter winters here! (sorry Winnipeggers!) Maibea if ya'all spendt some time in oone o them fantastik amarikan skools, ya cood learned bout stuff lik that there.
enjoy ur dark drizzly damp wont see the sun for weeks ass winter.. bc has shitties weathure in pnw..... more so then seattle
Have fun in your war mongering corrupt bank and greedy oil tycoon ran country. So what if the weather is shit in Canada we still are one of the friendliest and most peacefull nations in the world. Have a great life in America...

Peace yanky lol
ignore him guys.
i get the feeling he's just bored and trolling, looking for a fight.. and going by the spelling; that time might be better spent on educational things ;-)
i mean really WTF is the point of this?

as for BC.. yeah it sucks.. hell hole, ugly, wet.. never see the sun. stay away
*that's what we like the rest of the world to think, so we get this beauty all to ourselves ;-)
ignore him guys.
i get the feeling he's just bored and trolling, looking for a fight.. and going by the spelling; that time might be better spent on educational things ;-)
i mean really WTF is the point of this?

as for BC.. yeah it sucks.. hell hole, ugly, wet.. never see the sun. stay away
*that's what we like the rest of the world to think, so we get this beauty all to ourselves ;-)