What is your number?


Well-Known Member
Those aren't lesbians homie, those are just down ass chicks. I used to have a fuck buddy like that, man that chick was smooth lol. We go out and normaly get to choose between a few couple times she got more than one to come back and play with us. Man I miss her
But I bet it'd be eaier to find lesbians to do it. I've messed around with lesbians, just being drunk, and high chillin. Never fucked, but I bet if I worked with one of them to get another girl involved they would :)
I am a 5 I guess..I feel average though..guess I'm chubby...what a way to bring a girl down...
Have you read the replies to the Original Post?


Active Member
But I bet it'd be eaier to find lesbians to do it. I've messed around with lesbians, just being drunk, and high chillin. Never fucked, but I bet if I worked with one of them to get another girl involved they would :)

Have you read the replies to the Original Post?
That's just it in my experience most all lesbians don't want nothing to do with your cock so if she's. Hookin ya up she prolly isn't sticking around to play too


Well-Known Member
That's just it in my experience most all lesbians don't want nothing to do with your cock so if she's. Hookin ya up she prolly isn't sticking around to play too
If we pick up a lota girls, and I'm the only dude, maybe 1-2 more at the very most, and we're all drunk, why would they care? Half of them would probably be lesbians not even thinking about it :) Girly bars would be the easiest place to find girls anyways :lol:


Well-Known Member
What makes you say that?

I've had very intense feeling for women, and I wasn't feeling them with my nether regions either.


New Member
well on a dating site or if they tell you specificly they're bi, its a nice way of saying they're looking for same sex and aren't interested in you.


New Member
yea it doesn't blanket everyone lol, but usually on a dating site if they say their bi you better be the same sex or a ridiculously good looking opposite sex


Well-Known Member
I'm truthfully a lesbian,but don't tell anyone
Oh, I had no idea. Sorry if I was using non exact termage, lol :lol:
When I said that Bi, Lesb, Inde; were all the same, that's just how I feel about it, as a straight dude, that knows lesbians will mess around with dudes.
More-so if they are drunk :) :lol: Bud Ice


Active Member
Oh, I had no idea. Sorry if I was using non exact termage, lol :lol:
When I said that Bi, Lesb, Inde; were all the same, that's just how I feel about it, as a straight dude, that knows lesbians will mess around with dudes.
More-so if they are drunk :) :lol: Bud Ice
Haha I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body haha. You won't offend me


Well-Known Member
Lol, to be honest, I don't think orientation is that strictly defined. Under the right circumstances I really think any gay man may be swayed by the right woman and vice versa. I guess I am bisexual because I am immediately equally open to the idea of dating either gender, I'm sexually well acquainted with both and I've developed some real feelings for both. I find I can either be more submissive or incredibly protective over girl's I like.


Well-Known Member
Lol, to be honest, I don't think orientation is that strictly defined. Under the right circumstances I really think any gay man may be swayed by the right woman and vice versa. I guess I am bisexual because I am immediately equally open to the idea of dating either gender, I'm sexually well acquainted with both and I've developed some real feelings for both. I find I can either be more submissive or incredibly protective over girl's I like.
Nope, I had a guy try to get my booty for years, we were friends, but I could never do it. And he was always tryin to get me drunk enough, or just somehow to get me to do it...