what is your favorite mushroom strain and why?


Well-Known Member
Have you grown any wood lovers Canndo? If you've told this story a million times sorry.

I have, if you are in a place where it is cool part of the year you are good. Yield is low, two flushes, but it is quite possible indoors. It can be done in a modified refrgerator but my problem was refrigerati g the plenum, the exchanges made prior cooling of the air impossible. So I had to pre cool using an air conditioning unit.


Well-Known Member
I do live some place where it is cool almost half of the year. There is a local mulch company with all kinds of different mulches, I was thinking of calling and seeing if they had any Alder mulch. I need to set up some cubes again, and then give the wood lovers a try.


Well-Known Member
Lately I've been eatin gthis strain called Star Gazers. And lemme tell ya, they show you the stars. In the most pleseant way ever. Such a clean and mystique glimpse or imersion(dosage dependant) into mushie-land.
I became a forrest yesterday. And my friend was connected and speaking to aliens telepathically. Though he ate 10g as opposed to my 5.5ish.


Well-Known Member
Im doing the amazonian thing right now, was looking into mezapoteks to maybe run outdoors. Never done the outdoor thing anyone have pointers on how to setup for outside?

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Well-Known Member
Im currently cultivating myass a special breed of 'blood' penis envy. Lmao just kidding, I accedently stabbed myself with the syringe during innoculation, flame sterilized and used an alcohol swab after and 7/12 jars are shpwing the first signs of colonization, whoop!


Well-Known Member
Im currently cultivating myass a special breed of 'blood' penis envy. Lmao just kidding, I accedently stabbed myself with the syringe during innoculation, flame sterilized and used an alcohol swab after and 7/12 jars are shpwing the first signs of colonization, whoop!
I hope you didn't inoculate yourself. You might be shittin shrooms in a couple of months.


Active Member
Penis envy was the strongest ive had
Golden teachers were my favorite to grow as well
I agree and many others will agree that PE is a more potent strain but not to start arguments of course cuz its always debatable as for cubes in general a cube is a cube iv found that B+ and PE6 have a fairly fast colonization time and have big yields if u want potant I pull mine as soon as I see the Vail tear I don't let them fully open unless I'm collecting spores soon as Vail breaks the cube stops focusing on pylisiben and focuses on producing spores I grow mine for spiritual and personal use so the weight of letting the grow bigger after veil breaks is mainly for a seller to add weight